Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Use of Volatile #Inhibitors to Suppress Corrosion of #Metals in the Atmosphere of Livestock Buildings by L E Tsygankov in BJSTR


At room temperature, the protective efficacy of the #volatileinhibitors (VIC) “IFHAN-A” (A-112, 114 and 118) was studied under #atmosphericcorrosion of carbon steel St3, brass L62 and copper M2 in the presence of #corrosionstimulants (CS) in the air: CO2 ((0.2-0.6) vol. %); H2S ((10- 30) mg /m3); NH3 ((20-60) mg /m3) and 100% relative #humidity, which simulates the atmosphere of livestock buildings. In the case of #carbonsteel in the presence of a binary mixture of CSs: CO2 + NH3, CO2 + H2S and NH3 + H2S, the protective action of the VIC is between 67 and 95%. When #corrosion of brass and #copper, the protective capacity of IFHAN-112 and IFHAN-118 decreases accordingly to 10 (Cu, IFHAN-112, NH3 + H2S) and 13 (brass, IFHAN-118, СО2 + H2S) % or 30% (brass, IFHAN-118, NH3 + H2S). These VIC stimulate copper corrosion in the presence of a binary mixture (CO2 + H2S). Only in the presence of IFHAN-114, the protective effect does not decrease below 74%.

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