Saturday, November 24, 2018

Correlation between Sulforaphane and Glutathione Peroxides-1 Accelerates Breast Cancer Cell #Apoptosis by Mossa Gardaneh in BJSTR


Induction of cell death pathways constitutes the basis of cancer #chemotherapy. In this study, the co-effect of #sulforaphane (SFN) and #glutathioneperoxidase-1 (GPX-1) on the survival of breast cancer cell line MCF-7 was examined. We produced recombinant lentivirus vectors expressing the human GPX-1 and used to transduce the MCF-7 cells. Next, we treated the cells with serial concentrations of SFN before further analyses. Cell survival was examined using the MTT viability assay. Apoptosis was measured by #acridine orange/#ethidiumbromide co-staining and flow cytometry. Finally, changes in the expression of apoptosis and growth related molecules were detected using RT-PCR analysis. While GPX-1 over expression showed slight changes on the survival of the transduced MCF-7 cells, SFN treatment per se significantly reduced cell survival rate and this reduction correlated with increasing concentrations of SFN. By addition of SFN to GPX-1-overexpressing MCF-7 cells, survival of the cells was significantly reduced compared to untreated and SFN-treated empty vector controls. These findings were confirmed by AO/EB co-staining of the cells and flow #cytometry. We also found that SFN-GPX-1 cooperation induces expression of BAX and p53 while reducing expression of BCL-2 and AKT more significantly than in SFN-treated controls. We concluded that SFN and GPX-1 can synergize to induce MCF-7 cell apoptosis.

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