Monday, March 18, 2019

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research


To cover food necessities causing minimal #environmentalimpact is one of the main objective of the agriculture, therefore to improve efficiency in the agricultural processes is the strategy to follow. Agronomy as the grouping of several science disciplines related to plant and animal production, has been successful in reaching this objective, however it needs to be more efficient in the information management: generation, recording, storing, and processing. Advances in information and #communicationtechnologies have been extraordinary in the last decades, and use of these technologies is relatively recent in agronomy. Convergence between agronomy and informatics requires a special framework due to the vast amount of informatics technologies that can be used for vast types of agricultural systems. #Agromatics, as result of convergence between agronomy and informatics, is defined as the theoretical frame that faces the challenge of generating and managing vast amount of data coming from agricultural systems, to improve efficiency in production.

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