Monday, August 31, 2020

Precise Information on Anisometropia

Precise Information on Anisometropia


Anisometropia is a binocular optical defect. It means it is a binocular phenomenon because refractive error of one eye is compared to another eye. In Anisometropia, refractive error of two eyes is different.


a) RE: +0.25 Ds (6/6)

b) LE: +0.50 Ds (6/6)

This is also considered as Anisometropia, but if difference is +1.00 Ds, then it is considered as considerable Anisometropia.


a) RE: +1.00 Ds (6/6)

b) LE: +2.00 Ds (6/6)

When the difference between refractive error of two eyes is 1.00 D, then Retinal size difference will be 2%. Patient can tolerate upto 5% Retinal image difference between two eyes. It means two eyes Refractive error difference will be upto 2.50 D, but practically patient can tolerate upto 4.00 D.

Types of Anisometropia

a) Simple anisometropia

b) Compound anisometropia

c) Mixed anisometropia

d) Simple astigmatic anisometropia

e) Compound astigmatic anisometropia

f) Mixed astigmatic anisometropia

Simple Anisometropia

It is subdivided into Simple Myopic Anisometropia and Simple Hypermetropic Anisometropia. Here, one eye will be emmetropic and another eye is either Myopic or Hypermetropic.


a) RE : Plano (6/6)

LE: -2.00 Ds (6/6)

This is a case of Simple Myopic Anisometropia.

b) RE: Plano (6/6)

LE : +2.00 Ds (6/6)

This is a case of Simple Hypermetropic Anisometropia

Compound Ansiometropia

It is subdivided into Compound Hypermetropic Anisometropia and Compound Myopic Anisometropia. Here, different Refractive error is present between two eyes but both eyes have either plus power of minus power


Compound Hypermetropic Anisometropia: RE: +2.00 Ds (6/6); LE: +4.00 Ds (6/6)

Compound Myopic Anisometropia: RE: -2.00 Ds (6/6); LE: -4.00 Ds (6/6)

Mixed Anisometropia

a) RE: +5.00 Ds

b) LE: -5.00 Ds

Simple Astigmatic Anisometropia

It is subdivided into Simple Myopic Astigmatic Anisometropia and Simple Hypermetropic Astigmatic Anisometropia.

Simple Myopic Astigmatic Anisometropia: Here, one eye is Emmetropic and another eye is having Myopic Astigmatism

a) RE: Plano

b) LE: 0.00/-2.00 Dcyl *90

Simple Hypermetropic Astigmatic Anisometropia

Here, one eye is Emmetropic and another eye is having Hypermetropic Astigmatism.

a) RE: Plano

b) LE : 0.00/+2.00 Dcyl*90

Compound Astigmatic Anisometropia

Here, both eyes are astigmatic but of unequal degree, when it is Myopic then,

a) RE: -2.00 Dsph/ -2.00 Dcyl*90

b) LE: -4.00 Dsph/-4.00 Dcyl*90

c) When it is Hypermetropic, then

d) RE: +2.00 Dsph / +2.00 Dcyl*90

e) LE : + 4.00 Dshph/ +4.00 Dcyl*90

Mixed Astigmatic Anisometropia

a) RE: +2.00 Dsph/+4.00 Dcyl*90

b) LE : -3.00 Dsph /-6.00 Dcyl*90


Anisometropia is always treated with either Aspheric design of Spectacle lens or otherwise Contact Lenses. In case of high amount of Anisometropia, then Refractive surgery can be considered.

PCR Methods for Detecting Bovine Respiratory Pathogens-

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PCR Methods for Detecting Bovine Respiratory Pathogens

PCR Methods for Detecting Bovine Respiratory Pathogens


Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is an important disease in cattle production, causing serious economic losses world widely [1]. The occurrence of BRD is a combination of multiple factors and may be associated with one or more pathogens [2]. Among them, Mycobacterium bovis, Mycoplasma bovis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae are three important pathogens. Mycobacterium bovis can infect many kinds of animals. Besides cattle, there are 50 kinds of vertebrates such as humans. Sick animals showed a gradual loss of body weight, anemia and cough. Cattle with active tuberculosis are the main source of infection. Their respiratory tract carrys bacteria, which are excreted from coughing and sneezing [3]. Mycoplasma bovis is one of the main pathogens involved in cattle pneumonia. It was found that 5.5% of the nasal swabs from cattle with respiratory symptoms were positive for Mycoplasma bovis [4]. Klebsiella pneumoniae, an important conditional pathogen, mainly exists in the intestine, respiratory tract and urogenital tract [5]. The incidence of respiratory and urinary tract is the highest. Aslan et al. isolated bacteria from bovine upper respiratory tract infections and found that Klebsiella pneumoniae accounted for 20% [6].

PCR Detection

Polymerase Chain Reaction

PCR technology is a molecular biotechnology in which DNA of pathogenic microorganisms is expanded to conventional detectable levels in vitro. Quan Z et al. designed a multiplex PCR with primers targeting the 16S rRNA, Rv3873 and a 12.7-kb fragment in the genomes of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex to differentiate Mycobacterium bovis from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and NTM species [7]. Gioia et al. developed and validated a multitarget PCR assay that can discriminate between Acholeplasma and Mycoplasma and identify Mycoplasma bovis [8]. Turton et al. identified and typed Klebsiella pneumoniae by PCR using capsular type-specific, variable number tandem repeat and virulence gene targets [9]. Fonseca et al. established a one-step multiplex PCR to identify klebsiella pneumoniae, klebsiella variicola and klebsiella quasipneumoniae in the clinical routine [10].

Quantitative Real-Time PCR

Quantitative Real-time PCR technology can achieve quantitative analysis, and it is more specific and sensitive than conventional PCR. Choi Y et al. developed a real-time PCR targeting 16S ribosomal RNA for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex [11]. Sales et al. developed and validated two real-time PCRs targeting the PE-PGRS 20 gene and the region of difference 4 (RD 4) for the characterization of Mycobacterium bovis isolates. The qPCR for PE-PGRS 20 had 91% efficiency and a detection limit of 0.32 ng. The qPCR for RD4 had 100% efficiency, and a detection limit of 4 pg [12]. Cezar et al. developed a qPCR targeting the region of RD4, which showed that 0.25% milk and 2% blood samples were positive for Mycobacterium bovis [13]. Fu-Xiang et al. developed a TaqMan real-time PCR for detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae, which could be applied for early diagnosis of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection [14]. We developed a TaqMan-based multiplex real-time PCR assay primer and TaqMan probes were designed based on the specific 229 bp sequence of Mycobacterium bovis, the uvrC gene of Mycoplasma bovis and the khe gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The assay sensitivity was 10 copies/μL. 37 bovine nasal swabs collected from cattle were identified, of which 21.62% (8/37) was Mycoplasma bovis-positive, 18.92% (7/37) was Klebsiella pneumoniae-positive, none (0/37) was Mycobacterium bovispositive. However, Mycobacterium bovis was detected in nasal swabs of cattle with symptoms of respiratory disease.


PCR detection technology is a sensitive, specific and fast method for the detection of BRD. We believe that the establishment of a TaqMan-based multiplex real-time PCR for the simultaneous detection of Mycobacterium bovisMycoplasma bovis, and Klebsiella pneumoniae can contribute to the early diagnosis and control of BRD.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Rare Case of Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis

 A Rare Case of Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis


Mixed gonadal dysgenesis (45X/46XY and its variants) is a form of sex chromosome DSD (disorders of sex development). It is one of the most frequent causes of sexual ambiguity. It is a heterogeneous syndrome with a 45,X/46,XY or 46,XY karyotype, persistent müllerian duct structures, a dysgenetic testis, and a contralateral streak gonad. Functionally, the gonads were incompetent. Somatic features of turner syndrome, such as short stature, webbed neck, cubits valgus and gonadal failure may presented in these patient. Because of the presence of Y chromosome patient at risk of gonadal neoplasm, especially gonadoblastoma. So, gonadoectomy are involved. A multidisciplinary team including pediatric, endocrinologist, pediatric surgeon and psychologist should be involved. Indeed, in the ambiguous phenotypes, the decision regarding the assignment of sex must be taken as soon as possible [1-4].

Case Report

A 13-year-old girl was referred to the endocrine clinic for evaluation of short stature, and signs of virilization. She was born at 36 weeks of gestation with birth weight of 2 kg and history of oligohydrominous and clitoromegally which was corrected at that time. There was no history of maternal virilization during pregnancy or prenatal exposure to androgenic drugs. There was no family history of previously affected relatives or unexplained infant death. On exam, her height was 143cm (3rd percentile), body weight was 39.9kg (25-50 percentile), BMI was21.86kg/m2. She has low posterior hair line, ptosis, shield shape chest and cubits valgus. The rest of examination was normal. Tanner stage was prepubertal External genitalia showed clitromegally, with length of 4cm and width of 2cm. Normal vaginal and urethral openings. Her karyotyping revealed 45x, 46xy + mar. SRY was positive by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) stimulation test showed testosterone prestimulation 2.3nmol/L and post stimulation 13.43nmol/L indicating the presence of testicular tissue. LH:7.3IU/L, FSH:35.49IU/L and estradiol was less than 18.35 which go with hypergondotrophic hypogonadism. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI pelvis (Figure 1) showed: hypoplastic uterus and goA nadal dysgenesis and left gonadal tissue suggestive of testis. On pelvis laparoscopy, the uterus looked small, left gonad looked well developed while right gonad showed streak gonad and elongated clitoris, patient underwent bilateral gonadoectomy and clitroplasty. Histopathology gross description revealed left gonad ovarian like tissue attached with fallopian tube-like tissue, the ovary measure 2.0x1.0x1.0 cm, the attached fallopian like tissue measures 2.5 cm in length, no tumor was seen. Right gonad consists of one piece of fallopian tube like tissue measuring 2.0cm in length with attach tiny piece ovarian like tissue. Histological feature of left gonad consistent of infantile testicular tissue, Vas difference and collecting ducts were also seen, no intratubular germ cell neoplasia was detected (Figure 2A). Right gonad showed spermatic cord tissue with piece of vas deferens (Figure 2B). Pathologic findings were compatible to mixed gonadal digenesis.

Figure 1: MRI pelvis showing hypoplastic uterus and gonadal dysgenesiS, left gonadal tissue suggestive of testis.


Figure 2:A: Left gonad consistent of infantile testicular tissue, Vas difference and collecting ducts were also seen, no intratubular germ cell neoplasia was detected. B: Spermatic cord tissue with a piece of vas deferencea.



This patient is genetically Turner syndrome with karyotype of 45x, 46xy + mar, who was confirmed pathologically to form mixed gonadal dysgeneis. The positive SRY gene is an evidence of Y material which was found in karyotyping. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD) comprises an heterogeneous group of diverse chromosomal, gonadal and phenotypic abnormalities which are characterized by the presence of a testis on one side and a contra- lateral streak or an absent gonad. Most patients have a 45,X/46,XY chromosomal mosaicism and germ cell tumors, such as gonadoblas- toma or dysgerminoma, which develop in about one third of patients with this syndrome [1,4]. Formation of the testis from the undifferentiated embryonic gonad depends on the presence of the short arm of the Y chromosome, containing SRY-sequences. Testosterone production stimulates development of the Wolffian system and induces male development of the external genitalia, failing which, differentiation proceeds along female lines and Müllerian structures are formed. There seems to be the necessity of a minimal amount of SRY to be present for the undifferentiated gonad to become a testis [3].

Apparently in our case, the threshold of SRY-containing cells (68%) required for the development of the embryonic gonad into a testis was obviously adequate to enable complete differentiation of the right gonad into a testis. The patients with 45, X/46, XY mosaicism are at a high risk for development of gonadal tumors. Carcinoma in situ (CIS) is thought to be a premalignant lesion leading to germ cell tumors [5,6]. Gonadoblastoma is the neoplasm most often found, and it can lead to malignant germinoma. The risk of this tumor is 15-20% and it increases with age. In the patients assigned a female gender role, the gonads should be removed, external genitalia should be repaired and oestrogen therapy should be initiated at the age of normal puberty. In patients assigned a male gender, all gonadal tissue except that which appears histologically normal and is in the scrotum should be removed, and prosthetic testes should be placed in the reconstructed scrotal sac, if appropriate. Even in the absence of evidence of testicular dysgenesis, close follow up is indicated, including a testicular biopsy at puberty and at age 20 to ascertain malignant potential [5,6] The need for androgen replacement therapy at adolescence depends on the capacity of the testes to secrete testosterone.


This is a 13-year old patient who presented with short stature, having bad virilizing symptoms, with karyotype being 45, X /46, XY + mar mosaicism. MRI pelvis showed hypoplastic uterus and gonadal dysgenesis, left gonadal tissue suggestive of testes, no intratubular germ cell neoplasia was detected in histopathology. Pathologic findings were compatible to mixed gonadal dysgeneis. Bilateral gonadoectomy and clitroplasty were done for her. Correct diagnosis and management in this patient needed a multiple disciplinary team approach (pediatric endocrinologist, pediatric surgeon, pathologist and psychologist).

Subcortical White Matter Damage in A Patient With Early Stage Lupus Nephritis-

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Subcortical White Matter Damage in A Patient With Early Stage Lupus Nephritis

Subcortical White Matter Damage in A Patient With Early Stage Lupus Nephritis


Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (NPSLE) refers to neurological or psychological manifestations, in which headaches and seizures are the most common clinical features [1-2]. The most common radiographic findings in NPSLE include hyperintensity in the white or gray matter, parenchymal defects, and focal atrophy [3]. Hussein and his colleague highlight that the most common lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of patients with SLE were white matter hyperintense lesions and that number and size of lesions were significantly higher in patients with Lupus Nephritis (LN) [4]. We would like to emphasize the importance of integrating clinical manifestations, detailed neurological examination and MRI in the patient with early LN, which help identify brain lesions of NPSLE and prescribe adequate treatment.

Figure 1: MRI of her brain demonstrated no vasculitis or venous thromboses, but multifocal hyperintense lesions in subcortical white matter in both frontoparietal lobes on Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Imaging (FLAIR) (A) Normal signal intensity on Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) (B) and hyperintensity on Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) mapping (C) were identified without contrast enhancement.


Case Reports

We presented a 35-year-old woman was admitted after 1 month of fever and recurrent headache. Medical problems, drugs and chemical exposure were excluded. She had visited general practitioners before this admission, but intermittent headache continued. At our hospital, a blood analysis showed leukopenia, proteinuria, low serum complement levels and high serum levels of anti-double-stranded DNA, anti-ribosomal P, anti-Smith, anticardiolipin IgG, and lupus anticoagulant antibodies. Serum creatine level was 0.9 mg/dL with estimated glomerular filtration rate of 79.3 mL/min/1.73m2. Urinal examination showed daily protein loss of 520 mg. Cultures did not identify any pathogens. Recurrent loss of consciousness and tonic limb posturing were observed after admission. Cerebral spinal fluid analysis showed normal glucose levels, increased intracranial pressure and increased protein levels in the absence of microbes. Electroencephalograms showed bilateral episodic slow theta waves without epileptiform discharges or spike waves. MRI of her brain demonstrated no vasculitis or venous thromboses, but multifocal hyperintense lesions in subcortical white matter in both frontoparietal lobes on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging, normal signal intensity on Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) and hyperintensity on Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) mapping were identified without contrast enhancement (Figure 1) NPSLE was confirmed.


NPSLE refers to neurological or psychological manifestations, in which headaches and seizures are the most common clinical features [1-2]. Patients with NPSLE should be determined whether these neuropsychiatric symptoms originate from separate diseases [5]. The most common radiographic findings in NPSLE include hyperintensity in the white or gray matter, parenchymal defects, and focal atrophy [3]. Differential diagnoses of brain MRI imaging for this patient include progressive encephalopathy and Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES). DWI/ADC imaging did not show evidence of peripheral patchy diffusion. Neither hypertension nor visual loss developed. The patient received plasma exchange, pulsed methylprednisolone, azathioprine, and achieved good remission. Daily urinal protein loss was below 50 mg/dL after treatment. Integrating clinical features, manifestations of brain MRI and neurological examination of our patient help define white marrow microstructure damage and distinguish with other common complications of LN, like hypertension related PRES. We should be more aware of white matter lesions in LN patients. Neurological examination and brain image check as routine followups are recommended for patients with medical history of LN even in early stages of chronic kidney diseases.

A Cross-Sectional Assessment of Health Literacy among Hypertensive Community of Quetta City, Pakistan-

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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

A Cross-Sectional Assessment of Health Literacy among Hypertensive Community of Quetta City, Pakistan

A Cross-Sectional Assessment of Health Literacy among Hypertensive Community of Quetta City, Pakistan


As an emerging concept, the Health Literacy (HL) has been defined as a set of cognitive and social skills that enable individuals to acquire, understand and utilize health-related information [1]. Being an important construct of societal empowerment, HL is not merely the interaction of individuals with the healthcare system but the very concept encapsulates the environmental, political and social factors that affect and determine health and therefore addresses health-related issues [2]. In a broader sense, HL is aimed to build the capacity of individuals to attain, communicate, process, and know necessary health information and services to make sound health-related decisions and perform collective actions. Such collective actions enable the individuals to understand factors that influence their health and the approach of addressing them. As a result, adequate levels of HL construct the capabilities where people take responsibility of their own health as well as of the society in large [2]. Being health promotion concept, HL was introduced in 1971 and since then HL has became an essential component of healthcare [3].

HL follows the classic competency model of literacy that access, understand, judge and apply health related information when needed [4]. For that very reason, HL and general literacy are perceived and taken as equivalent to each other. However, this is to remember that being knowledgeable does not guarantee of being skilled in every aspects of life including health. This is evident from literature whereby the Institute of Medicine reported that half of the American adult population had difficulties in assessing and interpreting health-related information [5]. In line to what is reported, 60 and 47% of the Canadian and European populations were also reported to have limited HL [6,7]. The poor levels of HL instigated the need of developing HL guidelines and to adopt a trans-disciplinary approach that was aimed to improve HL [8]. Consequently, in 2004, the American Medical Association developed four key areas of concern: health literacy screening; improving communication with low-literacy patients; costs and outcomes of poor health literacy; and causal pathways of how poor health literacy influences health [9].

Since then, multiple interventions are designed on the proposed framework and have proven effective in term of improving HL [10]. Findings from the developing countries present more drastic figures whereby almost 80% of adults in Isfahan, Iran had poor HL [11]. A study from Zambia reported 75% of the female population with limited HL [12]. Similarly, a study conducted in Afghanistan confirms the low level of HL in the country. The study further explores, that besides, lack of health-related knowledge, the individual’s attitudes and other cultural factors affect healthcare seeking behavior and act on health-related information and services [13]. Within this context, the situation of HL is not different in Pakistan [14-17]. Multiple reasons are associated with the poor HL in Pakistan. The country’s literacy rate declined from 60 to 58% percent in 2016-17 [18] that is far less to what was proposed by the Sustainable Development Goals [19]. Furthermore, with only 2.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) spent on education, the spending was lowest in South Asia [20]. In terms of health spending, 0.9% of GDP was allocated for health [21] while World Health Organization’ (WHO) benchmark of health expenditure is at least 6% [22].

In term of healthcare system performance, healthcare system of Pakistan faces major issues like uncontrolled population growth, lack of maternal education, limited access to quality health care services, urban bias in health services provision, lack of planning, poor management and unnecessary delay in implementation, lack of evaluation process and low utilization of funds and most impotently corruption [23]. Additionally, Pakistan is facing severe lack of human resources whereby the physician-population ratio stands at 1:997, dentist 1:10658 and hospital bed at 1:1584. Unfortunately, there is no data available on the number of pharmacists in the national data base [18]. For these reasons, majority of the population is pushed into ‘medical poverty trap’, or worst, they do not opt to receive care because of unaffordability [23]. Shifting our concerns to the province of Balochistan, the province is deprived of major facilities including health since independence. Literacy rates are poor as 28% of its population is literate, with males at 39% and females at 16% [24]. When compared with the country, this region is faced with extreme poverty, terrorism, corruption, inflation and unemployment.

Deplorable healthcare is a living dilemma for the local population as majority of the healthcare institutes lack proper infrastructures, have delayed treatment in time and are faced with colossal hygiene problems. Because of all such issues, patients are forced to seek better treatment facilities in other cities of the country [25]. Under such destitute conditions, it is imperative that the patients should be empowered in order to have adequate HL so that they can manage their conditions even in the time of crisis. This becomes crucial where the conditions are chronic in nature and the patients have to manage their conditions for life time. It is now evident that chronic patients with poor HL experience communication difficulties and have limited understanding about medical conditions and treatment, worse health status and increased hospitalization rates are reported. Therefore, understanding of HL might be helpful that can create awareness among patients. For that reason, we aimed to assess the level of HL among hypertensive patients attending a public healthcare institute of Quetta city, Pakistan that will be beneficial in developing practical implications for the patients and the healthcare system.


Study Design and Settings

A questionnaire based, cross sectional survey was conducted. Data was collected from patients attending the cardiac and medicine ward of Sandeman Provincial Hospital (SPH), Quetta. Established in 1939 and located in the center of the city, SPH is a tertiary care, teaching institute. Additionally, being public in nature, SPH is normally the institute of choice for majority of the local residents.

Inclusion Criteria and Sampling Procedure

Eligible participants were adults aged 18 or over, with an established medical diagnosis of hypertension and using antihypertensive medications for the last six months. We excluded patients with mental disorders and patients seeking assistance in healthcare. Immigrants from other countries were also excluded. For sample size calculation, we used the formula proposed by Daniel and Cross [26]. Hypertension is reported to affect 18% of the population [27], therefore 228 hypertensive patients (95% Cl and 5% error) were needed for the study. However, keeping the attrition in mind, a dropout of 20% was added as proposed in literature [28]. Finally, 273 patients were conveniently targeted for the current study.

Study Instrument

In addition to the demographic profile, the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) was used to assess the health literacy level of the study participants. The HLQ is developed by Osborne et al. [29] by using a grounded, validity-driven approach. The tool has shown strong construct validity, reliability and acceptability to both patients and healthcare providers [30]. The HLQ is a 44-items questionnaire that consists of nine independent domains of health literacy (feeling understood and supported by healthcare providers; having sufficient information to manage my health; actively managing my health; social support for health; appraisal of health information; ability to actively engage with healthcare providers; navigating the healthcare system; ability to find good health information and understand health information enough to know what to do). The scoring algorithm produces unweighted scores for each of the 9 scales of the HLQ. The final score for each scale is an average score across all the questions that form that scale. High scores for each domain reflects improved HL and vice versa.

The HLQ does not provide one overall summative score; rather it gives nine separate scores that indicate a person’s strengths and needs in relation to their health literacy [29]. Unlike other tools that assess health literacy based on numeracy skills, reading ability or language comprehension [16,31], the HLQ captures the live experiences of people attempting to understand, access and use health information and health services [29]. Permission to use the HLQ was obtained from the developers (Health Systems Improvement Unit, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, HLQ License Agreement L1783IA). The validity and reliability of the HLQ was established through a pilot study with 30 hypertensive patients. All constructs of HLQ reported excellent reliability with an overall alpha value of 0.964. A focus group was later conducted with the patients that aimed to discuss the acceptability of the constructs. All patients reported ease of reporting and no issues faced during the pilot study ascertaining the validity of HLQ. Data from the pilot study was not included in the actual study.

Statistical Analysis

The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 20.0) was used for data analysis. The HL scores were calculated as proposed by the developers [29]. The cutoff values of having adequate / poor HL were calculated by Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve [32]. The Kolmogrov-Smirnov test was used for normality assessment and non-parametric tests were used accordingly. In addition to the descriptive analysis, dichotomous groups were compared with Mann-Whitney U test. The Jonckheere-Terpstra test was used to evaluate the trend of association. Where significant associations were reported, effect size was calculated by using Kendall tau correlation coefficient. P < 0.05 was considered to be of statistical significance.

Ethical Approval

Departmental ethical committee at Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, University of Balochistan, Quetta approved the study. In addition, permission was also taken from the Medical Superintendent of SPH. Prior to data collection, the patients were informed about the research initiatives, confidentiality of their responses and their right to withdraw from the study with no penalty or effects on their treatment. Written consent was also taken from the patients.


To assess health literacy among hypertensive community we conducted this study in Quetta city, Pakistan. It is assumed that chronic patients with poor HL lack sufficient self-management knowledge and skills hence resulting in treatment complications and decreased Quality of Life [16]. In addition, patients with poor HL also carry less understanding of the healthcare system. Such patients experience communication difficulties that adversely affect the confidence in receiving the required healthcare hence leading to compromised health outcomes [16]. Lastly, from the perspective of an underprivileged population, poor HL augments the already deprived healthcare system consequently resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. Within this context, assessment of HL can help in developing and implementing HL interventions, which have proven to reduce the burden of both communicable and non-communicable diseases [33].

Results of the current study reported inadequate HL among multiple domains (1, 2, 7, 8 and 9) of HLQ. The satisfactory domains (3, 4, 5 and 6) also had their mean values at the borderline when compared with the calculated cutoff values. Within this context, HL has been evaluated by different researchers through multiple measures in Pakistan. Saeed and colleagues reported inadequate health literacy among diabetic patients in Lahore, Pakistan by using the Short Test of Functional Health Literacy scale [17]. Furthermore, by administrating Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire to adult population in Karachi, Pakistan, Ahmed et al reported that majority of their respondents faced difficulty in finding and understanding health information for their well-being [16]. Similar results were also reported from other studies of the same nature from Pakistan [15,34]. Although results of the current study are well aligned with what is reported in literature, our research is the first Pakistanbased study that assessed HL based on the live experiences of the patients. Therefore, being the pioneer study, we were unable to cross refer to literature that assessed HL by using the HLQ in Pakistan.

In addition, the use of HLQ is reported from developed countries; therefore, it is unsound to compare the results between the developed and developing nations because of the societal and psychosocial gap. Nevertheless, as reported in literature and evident from our study result, certain demographic groups are well known to be vulnerable in terms of HL [31] and will be discussed subsequently. We found that respondent with lower education has inadequate HL. The relationship between education and HL has existed for generations and is well defined in literature [35,36]. Knesebeck et al in their comparison of twenty two European countries reported that people with low education had poor health and faced functional limitations [37]. In addition, college graduates were in better health when compared with people who have not graduated high school [38]. The likelihood of having chronic diseases was also reported to be at the higher sides among the least educated [39]. Where education is critical to social and economical development, the health-related benefits of education are also clearly visible at both micro- and macro levels.

From an individualized perspective (skill development and resource access) to the larger societal and cultural context (healthrelated characteristics of the environment), education improves social policies and residential segregation that contributes to positive health outcomes [40]. Additionally, an improved educational status also augments other aspects of HL such as ability to navigate the health care system and addressing disparities in personal health behaviors [40]. Consequently, an advanced educational status is positively linked to improved HL [41,42]. Moreover, educated people carry the tendency to learn more about health and healthrelated hazards that eventually improve their HL and conception of complex issues that are decisive to their wellbeing [43]. There is also evidence that those with higher education have better participation rates in prevention programs [44]. In contrast, people with low education are less likely to be conversant about the health effects. Our claim is supported by literature whereby obese people with poor literacy levels did not see a benefit in losing weight [45].

Summarizing the discussion, a significant effect of education on HL confirms the existence of relationship among the two variables thus supporting the positive trend as reported by the current study. Shifting our concerns to the significant relationship between HL and locality, this association is no way surprising [46,47]. Golboni et al measured inadequate and insignificant rates of HL in the rural areas of Sanandaj, Iran when compared with their counterparts in urban areas [48]. Our findings are further strengthened as rural participants were reported with poor HL in five provinces of Iran [49]. Correlating the literature findings with the current study, poor HL among rural respondents in the current cohort can be attributed to numerous reasons. Among those reasons, the most important is the healthcare situation and structure of Pakistan. In Pakistan, Primary health centre (PHC) units comprise both Basic Health Units (BHUs) and Rural Health Centers (RHCs).The BHUs provide services to around 10,000 people and the RHCs cover around 30,000 to 450,000 people.

However, these centers fail to provide optimal care to the patients because of lack of services, deprived facilities and most importantly the unavailability of the healthcare professionals [27]. Only 33% of the population has access to health facilities in an area with a 5 km radius. Therefore, people living in rural areas often have less contact with healthcare professionals which cause poor HL. Furthermore, rural areas are least exposed to health promotion programs such as mass, print and social media in comparison with the people living in urban areas. For those very reasons, it is required to target the rural population to improve their HL for better decision making. Solid and sound decision making and empowerment leads toward improved health behavior and outcomes, while in contrast, low HL causes inadequate treatment adherence, difficulties with managing chronic disease, and ultimately higher healthcare costs [46].


Demographic Characteristics of the Study Respondents

Table 1 presents the demographic characteristics of the study respondents. Two hundred and eight five patients responded to the survey with mean age of 45.22±10.13 years. Females dominated the cohort (159, 55.8%), and 78% of the respondents were married. Thirty percent of the respondents had postgraduate education and 87% had urban residencies.

Health Literacy Profile of the Study Respondents (Domain 1-5)

Table 2 presents the health literacy profile of the study respondents while focusing on the first five domains. The first five domains provide Likert responses in shape of “strongly disagree” (coded = 1), “disagree” (coded = 2), “agree” (coded = 3) and “strongly agree” (coded = 4). Domains 1-2 had maximum score of 16 and minimum of 4 while domains 3-5 had maximum score of 20 and minimum of 5. The scores for all five domains ranged from 11.63 – 15.70 and based on the cutoff values, the respondents had certain issues in the domain 1 (feeling understood and supported by healthcare providers) followed by domain 2 “having sufficient information to manage my health” as shown in Table 3.

Association Between Health Literacy (Domains 1-5) and Demographic Variables

The Mann-Whitney and Jonckheere-Terpstra test were used to identify relationship among health literacy domains and demographic variables. Domain 2 (having sufficient information to manage my health) was significantly associated with educational status (p = 0.005) and locality (p = 0.022). Furthermore, the appraisal of health information (domain 5) was also significantly associated with educational status (p = 0.003) and locality (p = 0.004). Urban respondents had sufficient information about health management (mean rank of 144.36 for urban and 133.29 for rural respondents. Furthermore, urban respondents reported to have better appraisal of health information when compared with rural (mean rank of 148.23 and 105.64 respectively). Interpretation of significant association among educational status revealed positive moderate correlation (Ï„ = 0.300 and 0.436 respectively for domain 2 and 5) whereby respondents with higher education were likely to have sufficient information to manage their health and had better judgment of assessing health-related information (Table 4). No significant association was observed among other study variables.

Health Literacy Profile of the Study Respondents (Domain 6-9)

Table 5 presents the health literacy profile of the study respondents while focusing on the remaining four domains i.e. 6-9. All these domains provide Likert responses in shape of “cannot do or always difficult” (coded = 1), “usually difficult” (coded = 2), “sometimes difficult” (coded = 3) “usually easy” (coded = 4) and “always easy” (coded = 5). Domains 6, 8 and 9 had maximum score of 25 and minimum of 5 whereas domain 7 had maximum score of 30 and minimum of 6. The scores for all four domains ranged from 17.67 - 21.86. The respondents had certain issues in the domain 7, 8 and 9 (Table 5).

Association Between Health Literacy (Domains 6-9) and Demographic Variables

All domains (6-9) were significantly associated (p < 0.05) with locality whereas the mean rank interpretation revealed urban respondents having better literacy when compared with the respondents from the rural areas. No significant association was reported among other study variables as shown in Table 5.


Our respondents with lower educational status and belonging to the rural residencies reported low HL. Considering the lower HL among our study respondents, a reorientation of the health policy is recommended. Health literacy as a determinant for health and social welfare should be focused with more details and must be taken up as a priority. Additionally, collaborative efforts must be undertaken by the government, the health care institutions, civil society and mass media to design and implement effectual interventions for improving HL.

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