Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Practice towards Solid and Liquid Waste Management among Addis and Kometa Kebele Community Mizan-Aman Town, Bench – Maji Zone, Snnpr, South Waste Ethiopia, 2017 by Tesfaye Abera in BJSTR


Background: Waste is defined as unwanted remains, residues discarded, and material or by products which are no longer required by the initial user. These materials are by-products of human activities such as process of preparation, manufacture, packing, repacking, unpacking, construction, renovation of structures and mining operations. Almost any substance that is discarded is designated as waste, but it may also be considered as a potential resource. Virtually everything in the “waste stream” has residual value for someone or some business in the community. Waste can serve as valuable resources as ground cover to reduce erosion, fertilizer to nourish the crops. KAP studies investigate the knowledge attitude and practice of respondents on the particular subject of interest. KAP studies tell us what people know about certain things, how they feel, and how they behave. The knowledge possessed by a community refers to their understanding of waste generation, description and recycling in this context. Attitude refers to their feeling toward waste separation, collection as well as recycling. Practice refers to the way in which they demonstrate their knowledge and attitude throw their actions.
Objective: Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and practice of Addis and Kometa kebele community towards waste disposal management in South West Ethiopia, 2017.
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional design and systematic sampling technique was used to assess liquid and solid waste disposal management in Mizan-Aman Town community. Data was collected from 392 selected samples and was tallied manually, processed and analyzed in a line of its objective by using manual tally and table of frequency. Data quality was assured by performing pre-test to evaluate the appropriateness of data collection instrument.
Result: The finding of this study showed that majority 84% of the respondents were females, regarding their ethnicity 35.5% were Bench, also majority of the participants(87.1%) were married with regard to their religion (47%) were Orthodox, on the other hand 48.6% of the respondents were the age between 21-30. Furthermore, the study showed that 81.8% of the respondents have good knowledge, 77.5% of the participants showed positive attitude toward waste management as well as 76.9% of participants have good practice to ward waste management.
Conclusion and Recommendation: The finding of the study revealed that majority of Mizan-Aman town community have good level of knowledge, have positive attitude and showed good practice to ward waste management.
A. The Mizan-Aman town municipality was recommended to prepare pits/ditches in the town in sufficient quantity for solid waste disposal.
B. Mizan-Aman town community has best knowledge, positive attitude and good practice so Mizan-Aman Municipality, Addis and Kometa kebele administrators and health extension workers should do more to ensure the sustainability of this trend as well as to aware 100% of community.
C. Further detailed studies were recommended for intervention by using this high light for further interventions.

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