Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Peripheral Hypertension-How to Normalize Pressure and the Pulse with no Medications in Several Days with the Clavitherapy Method? by Ferdynand Barbasiewicz in BJSTR


The molecular method of biocybernetic clavitherapy has been liquidating hypertension remarkably effectively with no medications since the 40s. With child’s ease in minutes by simple procedures you can yourselves with no medications effectively and permanently liquidate drug-resistant hypertension. But it is necessary to relieve cortical tensions early by stimulation gently pressing with two toothpicks between the brows over 3 seconds at the base of the nose and with the other hand with two toothpicks at the back of the head right under the occipital bone on the meridian line for relieving central tensions. The procedure must be repeated several times until pain and burning recede. Next stimulate the projection of the 5th cranial nerve right under the dura mater of the occipital bone halfway through the distance between the median line and the mammary gland. After a few 3-second presses, receding of pain and burning also check in the middle of the fontanelle bone that there is no projection of pain and burning. There is the vascular and motor centre of the blood supply of the brain there. The projection of the zone of pressure regulation in the brain PaM-1 will be indicated by the doctor knowing acupuncture.

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