Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Economics and Importance of #Beekeeping by Veer Sain in BJSTR


Apiculture or Beekeeping is the art and science of collecting, processing honeybee colonies of desired species having them in specified and standard boxes, installing at appropriate sites, managing optimum number of colonies scientifically round the year and harnessing both direct and indirect benefits of the activities. As such a degree or high qualification is not essential in order to work in this profession. Apiarists can be developed and trained to handle the enterprise. There is vast potential and scope from diversification in Apiculture i.e. besides honey its offers scope for production and marketing of other bee products like bee pollen, bee propels, bee way bee venom and Royal selling. Honeybees can also be managed as and when required for pollination of field and Horticultural crops and for hybrid seed production in vegetables and other bee pollination crops technologies for the production of different products i.e. Royal jelly, bee pollen, bee porpoise, bee venom, Queen bees, package bees etc. now available in India Thakur 2008.

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