Monday, October 15, 2018

#Circulation of Sexually Transmitted Diseases #Bacteria among Pregnant Women in the 21st Century by Ali Badamchi in BJSTR


#Chlamydiatrachomatis and #neisseriagonorrhoeae are the most common bacterial causes of lower #genitaltract infection nowadays. According to the WHO, 101.5 million #chlamydial infections are reported annually worldwide [1]. The prevalence of infection caused by C. trachomatis in pregnant women ranges from 2-35% [2]. Reports from Iran, the variable rates of chlamydial infections are showed among women (2.75-22%) [3-5]. Therefore, the C. trachomatis infection screening is one of the most important #hygiene measures during pregnancy. The variable prevalence of C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae was found in Brazilian pregnant women, as 9.8% to 11.1% for C. trachomatis and 0% to 1.5% for N. Gonorrhoeae [6]. According to recent reports from USA, the high prevalence of C. trachomatis (0-77%) and N. gonorrhoeae (0-35%) were reports in pregnant individuals [7]. Several studies on European pregnant women for detection of C. trachomatis have revealed the prevalence rate of infection varies from 0 to 37% [8]. Despite the high level of health in the European and American countries, the role of sexually transmitted diseases among pregnant women in European countries is much higher than Islamic countries, and as a result, they will have more drug resistance than Islamic countries. It seems, despite most diseases found in religious groups, Sexual diseases in Islamic countries due to commitment and Loyalty to his wife is less visible.

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