Monday, October 15, 2018

Mirror #Syndrome - A Rare Case by Sukesh Kathpalia in BJSTR


#Mirrorsyndrome is a maternal condition which develops as a result of #fetalcondition, the main feature being edema; both mother and fetus appear as mirror image of each other. Initially it was described as maternal edema in response to fetal edema due to Rhesus isoimmunisation. Subsequently it has been found in #fetalhydrops due to both #immune and non immune causes. The maternal condition is likely to improve after fetal treatment, demise or delivery. One case of mirror syndrome due to non immune hydrops is being presented who recovered completely after delivery. The cause of this syndrome is still not understood probably it is #placentalhypertrophy resulting in high hCG levels. Both mother and fetus are at risk in this condition.

Mirror #Syndrome - A Rare Case by Sukesh Kathpalia in BJSTR

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