Friday, November 9, 2018

Characterization of Polyacrylamide Hydroxyapatite (PAHA ) Disc Demineralization #Invitro based on Optimized Areal Surface Profiling and Topography Analysis using Confocal Laser Scanning #Microscopy by Eun-Jung Lee in BJSTR


Objectives: The objective of this study was to characterize the degree of #polyacrylamidehydroxyapatite (PAHA) disc demineralization #invitro based on both optimized areal surface profiling and topography analysis using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).
Methods: A total of 11 test samples were prepared using modified Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) methods. Test sample solution was incubated at 37oC for 150 minutes after inoculation with 1% #Streptococcusmutans and radioisotope-labeled polyacrylamide hydroxyapatite (PAHA) discs. The degree of demineralization was measured based on ³²P released from each #radioisotope-labeled PAHA disc using CLSM. Image analysis systems (2D and 3D) were used to determine surface topography and roughness.
Results: Sz (maximum height of the surface) showed a significant difference compared to conventional mean height parameters, such as Sa (mean height of the surface) and Sq (root square mean height). Regarding the skewness and kurtosis, distinct #demineralization was observed for sponge cake (p < 0.05). While these food samples showed minimal differences in released radioisotope ³²P, a relatively distinct appearance was observed in CLSM.

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