Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Crossability Studies of Interspecific #Hybridization among Vigna #Species by A Nishant Bhanu in BJSTR


A total of 80 interspecific crosses i.e., 36 each of V. radiata × #V. umbellata (V. radiata as female) and #V. mungo × V. umbellata (V. mungo as female) and 08 crosses of #V. radiata × V. mungo (V. radiata as female) were attempted to study the crossability relationship among these three Vigna species. Among the crosses of V. radiata × V. umbellata the crossability was observed highest in HUM 12 × RBL 9 (16.27%) followed by HUM 12 × RBL 9 (15.78%). In case of V. mungo × V. umbellata, the maximum crossability of 11.36% was noticed in cross, Mash 338 × RBL 9. For V. radiata × V. mungo, the highest crossability was visualized in #hybrid, ML 1464 × Mash 338 (37.5%). The study indicated that different kinds of pre and post #fertilizationbarriers are responsible for complete sterility to low fertility. RBL 1 and RBL 9 gnotypes of ricebean showing substantially high percent of crossability and better seed set with different cultivars of mungbean and blackgram may be utilized for genetic improvement of the #mungbean and blackgram.

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