Friday, November 2, 2018

#Development of a Novel Suture-less Nerve Coaptation Device by Wesley P Thayer in BJSTR


Background: Creating a barbed sutureless #coaptationdevice will provide a simple and standardized alternative to nerve repair decreasing donor’s #morbidity.
Methods: Autodesk Fusion 360 program was used to design the prototype and was produced on a Monoprice Maker Ultimate 3D Printer. A total of 89cm of #caprine and #canine vagus nerve were harvested, trimmed at 4cm segments and divided in four groups depending on the device used or intervention: Hollow, Ridged, Sutured and Barbed. An Instron 5542 machine was used to calculate the energy at break (gf/mm).
Results: The energy at break of the Hollow group was 41.23 (±5.00) gf/mm, more than double for the Ridged: 107.024 (±29.06) gf/mm, and even higher for the Sutured: 392.69 (±66.24) gf/mm. But the Barbed group outperformed all groups with 1227.36 (250.88) gf/mm, with no #statisticalsignificance when compared the #suture group (p>0.05).
Conclusion: The Barbed device was more resistant than the other groups in maintaining the nerve in position. Our prototype has the potential to become a viable alternative to peripheral nerve repair due to its ease of application and lack of a need for #microsurgery for coaptation.

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