Thursday, November 8, 2018

Effect of Pulse Beetle, #Callosobruchus Chinensis L on Oviposition and Damage in Some Important #Genotypes of Pulse Crops in Bangladesh by Hyat Mahmud in BJSTR


Reaction of pulse beetle, #Callosobruchuschinensis L. to 20 genotypes of pulses belonging to lentil (#Lens culinaris Medik.), mungbean (Vigna radiata (L) R. Wilczek), chickpea (#Cicer arietinum L.) and blackgram (#Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) was evaluated in no choice test in the laboratory of the Department of Entomology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, #Mymensingh for observing the number of eggs deposition on seeds and percentage of damage of seed. Highest (73.1) number of eggs was laid on chickpea, while the lowest (19.5) was in blackgram. The results revealed that all the genotypes of chickpea were found to have highly susceptible to pulse beetle and blackgram #genotypes were least susceptible. The susceptibility of lentil and mungbean were observed intermediate. Maximum (24.4%) of seed damage was observed on chickpea and the minimum (6-9%) was recorded in blackgram. Except blackgram, all the tested genotypes of chickpea, lentil and mungbean differed significantly for their susceptibility to the pulse beetle. The genotypes ML-22 of lentil, MC-21 of mungbean, Hyprosola of chickpea and MAK–1-79 of blackgram were marked least susceptible in comparison with the tested genotypes of respective pulse species. Seed surface smoothness, seed coat thickness and chemical stimuli influenced on the oviposition and damage of pulses by the pulse beetle.

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