Monday, November 5, 2018

#Fetal Abdominal #Cystic Lesions: Diagnosis is not so Crucial by Qiong Luo in BJSTR


#Fetalabdominalechogeniclesions are relatively common findings during routine screening of fetal morphology, especially with the sophisticated equipment now a day’s such as highresolution ultrasound (US) and fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [1]. However most of them present as round, #anechoiccystic structure with different shape, size and origins. Thus diagnosis is often imprecise, prediction of postnatal intervention is poor and consultation cannot give relief to anxious parents. Fortunately, many of these lesions may not increase additional rick to fetus or #neonate. They may resolve spontaneously in the uterus or after birth. Therefore, in most cases, expectant management is sufficient, but some still need early intervention. This article discusses some of the most common prenatally diagnosed fetal #intra-abdominalmasses, giving a brief description of the etiology, #diagnosis, management and prognosis.

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