Thursday, November 8, 2018

Late #RetroperitonealHaematoma after Psoas Compartment Block for Total Hip #Arthroplasty by Alessandro Calistri in BJSTR


Objective: Post-operative #anemia may be a compelling problem, sometimes sudden, of difficult #diagnosis, that may be enhanced by underlying medical conditions, and that may influence therapeutic choices.
Case report: We present a case of sudden anemia (from 10.2 pt. to 7.3 pt. of HB in two days), after a total #hiparthroplasty, performed under combined spinal and #peripheralanesthesia, in a 70 years old woman who suffered from a #coagulation disorder due to a rare genetic mutation (#homozygosis for MTHFR C677T).
Conclusion: The anaemia was due to #retroperitonealhematoma with a #pseudoaneurysm of the left lumbar artery, with active bleeding localized at L4, resolved by intervention of intravascular #remobilization of the feeder artery of the pseudo aneurysm.

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