Thursday, November 29, 2018

#LaxativePoisoning in Newborn #Clinical Evolution Report of a Case by Alicia Santa Cortes Gonzalez in BJSTR


Introduction: #Constipation is a common problem and is one of the main causes of consultation in the #pediatricage, and the problems are indicated in the diagnosis, in the #treatment, or in both. Its estimated prevalence varies between 0.3% and 8% of the child population. There is a case of male 1 month and 18 days of extra uterine life that are caused by the excessive use of laxatives of osmotic type associated with the use of stimulant laxatives in prolonged form and at high doses at a weight level, their #clinicalevolution and the secondary to this use. Conclusion: The use of laxatives from birth without having an adequate diagnosis of the cause of constipation, means that its use is indiscriminately causing alterations at the #gastrointestinallevel such as electrolyte imbalance and #hypovolemicshock that can evolve to death if not timely manner.

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