Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Layered Double #HydroxidesNanomaterials in #Biomedicine and (bio) Sensing Design by Elena Florentina Grosu in BJSTR


Novel devices and materials are designed by exploring the nano scale properties of the matter. Nano and #biomaterials can be combined together and further used as efficient tools in engineering, biomedicine, electronics and biotechnology. Layered double hydroxide, also called #anionicclays, are a class of #hydrotalcitenanocomposites with a large potential of utilization in nano and #biotechnology. They have a high compositional diversity, are able of self-assembly and in presence of biomolecules they behave like soft materials, with no significant effect on their structure or activity. Some of the fields were the LDHs nanomaterials were successfully used are drug and gens delivery, cosmetics, cancer therapy and #biosensing.

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