Thursday, November 22, 2018

Robotic #Surgery in #Orthopedics: The Example of the Bros Project by Zied Jlalia in BJSTR


Generally robots are used in different industries for many different applications. The medicalindustry, is one of those industries, which uses robots in different applications especially in the assistance of the surgeon during his #surgery. These robots have advantages over humans (stability, precision and computer control). In orthopedicsurgery, these robots prevent the surgeon from being exposed to the #ionizingradiation needed to perform several surgical techniques, including percutanées insertion of #supracondyl arelbow fractures in children. This fracture isacommonlesion in pediatrictraumatology [1]. The realization of thisrackingrequires the use of a brightness amplifier (generator of ionizing rays) necessary for the control of both the reduction of the fracture and its #stabilization by pins [2]. But this control canonlybemonoplane in a moment T, thus increasing the risk of the reduction and trajectory defects of the pins which are successively controlled in the two planes of face and profile. In addition, the incorrect positioning of the pins can cause #iatrogeniclesions of vessels and / or nerves passing in the region of the elbow [3].

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