Tuesday, December 18, 2018

#MRI and Pregnancy by Pasquini L in BJSTR


#MagneticResonanceImaging (MRI) is indicated during pregnancy for both #foetalpathology (CNS abnormalities, neck and oropharynx masses, diaphragmatic hernia, placental pathology, abdominal masses or intestinal pathology without sufficient characterization at ultrasound, suspected foetal infection) and maternal pathology (acute #abdomen, #appendicitis) [1,2]. The developing human foetus is considered particularly vulnerable to external insults, so that the possible consequences of MRI during pregnancy have been widely investigated to isolate possible side effects and identify the best safety parameters. The anatomy of the human foetus changes every week of #gestation, affecting the interactions with the external environment. The development of the internal organs which are deputed to distribute and excrete chemicals (e.g.) strongly affects the #pharmacokinetics of contrast agents. The main foetal risks during MR examinations include GBCArelated effects (#nephrogenicsystem #fibrosis - NSF -, #teratogenicity, brain deposit) and #physicaleffects (body temperature increase, acoustic injuries related to the scanner noise).

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#MRI and Pregnancy by Pasquini L in BJSTR

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