Monday, December 3, 2018

#ThermalIndices and Heat stress Assessment in #Livestock: Way Forward by V Sejian in BJSTR


In the changing climate scenario, heat stress is the most detrimental factor which negatively influences livestock production. This may lead to severe #economicconsequences in #livestock industry. The negative impacts of high temperature stress are generally aggravated when it is coupled with high #relativehumidity. Every animal produce optimally under its own #thermoneutralzone. Different factors of climate such as air #temperature, humidity, wind #velocity, and solar radiation have prominent effect in influencing the #homeostasis in animals. The interaction of these climate variables and the animal #biologicalsystem lead to drastic changes in the production performance of the animal. This has paved the way for the scientific community to look for a range of thermal indices to specific locations to quantify heat stress response in livestock.

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