Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Biomedical Journal of Scientific Research


Purpose: To identify possible #antenatalrisk factors affecting the development of #cerebralpalsy among children.
Methodology: Antenatal events were compared between 25 children with cerebral palsy (CP) and 25 controls in a #retrospectivecasecontrolmethod. Antenatal factors were analysed as odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals and chi-square test. Factors associated with an increased risk of CP identified as antenatal risk factors were: #maternaleclampsia, maternal #hypertension, maternal #diabetes, physical problem (e.g. fall down), maternal #viraldiseases, low birth weight (< 2500gm).

Antenatal Risk Factors of Children with Cerebral Palsy by Obaidul Haque in BJSTR

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