Sunday, January 27, 2019

Biomedical #Research Open Access Journals


Local and non-local integral conservation laws in the #Riemann-Cartan spaces are given. Hypothesis of the friedmons as dark matter particles is proposed. The mass of #friedmon is near 109GeV and the #symmetrygroup is dual for SU(2)one. Gravitational field as some gauge field is a connection. The metric of the expanding Universe is near to de Sitter one. The Casmir operators in this case contain the combination of the spin and mass or #spin-massas total parameter with physical significance due to the mixing of the spin-mass components by action of the de Sitter group SO(1,4) transformations [1].For example in the theory of super gravity with two complex #Grassmanianvalues physical significance have eight real coordinates only (or four complex ones-with imaginary time and two space null coordinates) due to its mixing by the expanded Poincare group transformations.

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