Thursday, January 31, 2019

Biomedical Science Articles


Introduction: #Amyloidosis is a rare disease resulting from #extracellularaccumulation of abnormal insoluble protein fibrils. AmylUidosis classified into two types primary(AL) and secondary(AA). Primary amyloidosis(AL) is a multiple #myeloma associated #disease. The primary localized cutaneus amyloidosis (PLCA) is a kind of of primary amyloidosis with isolated amyloid deposition in the skin and #mucousmembrane. Case discussion: We described a case of PLCA with a long history of palpebral and #gingivalinvolvement. There are a few treatment modalities for these groups of patients such as local therapy or systemic medical therapy. Conclusion: Although our patient has recieved multiple lines of #immunosuppressivetreatment during long period of time, the disease progressed continously and disturbed her visual field.

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