Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Behavioural Medicine Journals


Gels or #hydrogels are described as the matrix of cross-linked polymers. Hydrogels are naturally a part of the body in the form of collagen, gelatin, mucous, tear films, cartilage, vitreous humor, cornea, and #tendon. Collagen, gelatin, and #nanofillers can be used to modify the strength of hydrogels. Use of biodegradable hydrogel scaffold is ideal for tissue regeneration, where the scaffold degrades as the #tissueregeneration occurs. The hydrogel can be lone or composition of fundamental properties such as edible, non-edible, #biodegradable, non-biodegradable, #injectable, topical, natural, synthetic, physically crosslinked, chemically cross-linked. During past three decades hydrogels due to various factors such as biodegradable, absorbent, tissue resemblance and easy use, have received the enormous attention from researchers around the globe.

For more articles on BJSTR Journal please click here:  https://biomedres.us/

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