Sunday, February 24, 2019

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research


The use of conventional #intraosseousimplants may be limited or inapplicable in restoring some #edentulous spaces due to various anatomical reasons. The Cortically Fixed at Once approach (CF@O) uses the remaining cortical #bone to fix specially designed implants. This implant system was developed to meet challenges in patients with severely resorbed #jawbones. The CF@O protocol requires no bone graft, no sinus lift or nerve displacements. The CF@O implant system consists of several types of components specifically developed for different locations in the jaw. These components are #Pterygoidimplants, compressive implants and hybrid plates. The Pterygoid implants and the Hybrid plates are developed to be placed in the posterior zones of the maxilla. The compressive implants with specific macro- and micro-threads are used in the cortical and spongy bone, mostly in the frontal bone of the upper and lower jaw. The hybrid #titanium plates are thin, lightweight and highly flexible, which allows them to be adapted to any #boneanatomy and fixed with #osteosynthesis screws.

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