Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Journals on Infectious diseases


Preparative and #clinicaltransfusiology and #transfusion, a majestic part of clinical medicine saved and saves the life of hundred millions. However, times and pathogens are continously and rather quickly changig, so during the last decade many not only #egzotic new or newly recognised pathogens and diseases were showed up, and some of them (e.g. Zyka virus, Hepatitis E vrus, Ebola, etc.) can also be transmitted by blood or blood component transfusions, and in some instances they escape from standard screening and inactivation procedures. Hereby we try to focus and draw attention to some of these potentially pathogen new #bloodbornemicrobiological agents, and along with this we try to emphasize the significance of application of updated next generation screenig and inactivation procedures. Interestingly a recent British trial, based on large population data showed some evidence of slight increase of non #Hodgkinlymphoma incidence in patients with multiple previous transfusions.

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