Monday, May 27, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Science- BJSTR Journal

#Suboptimalbowel preparation (prep) leads to shorter #intervalcolonoscopy time, missed lesions, and increased healthcare costs. The aim of this study was to assess whether the patient’s experience was associated with bowel prep quality. A single center retrospective analysis was performed of 200 patients with documented adequate and #suboptimalbowel prep who had undergone colonoscopy and agreed to be surveyed were included in the study. Demographic information, baseline characteristics, bowel prep scores, colonoscopy findings, and survey responses were analyzed. There was a significant relationship between prep quality and the following: “how did you perceive bowel prep went?” “were you compliant with recommended clear liquid diet?” “did you have any nausea or vomiting while taking bowel prep?” and “was your stool clear prior to procedure?”. The logistic regression model selection found the best fit model contained a documented history of #chronicconstipation, prior inadequate bowel prep, patient’s perception of how well the bowel prep went, and reported stool clarity. The odds of suboptimal preparation are 5.5 times higher for those with a history of chronic constipation than those without; 2.8 times higher for those with a history of poor prep; 9.5 times higher for those who perceived prep did not go well, 6.6 times higher for those who did not report clear stool, and 3. 9 times higher for males. Patients who perceived their bowel prep went well; followed a clear liquid diet; #deniednausea and vomiting and reported clear stool had more adequate bowel preparation quality.

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