Sunday, May 19, 2019

Journals on Regenerative Diseases - BJSTR Journal


Aim: This study aims to document the utility of #Scintimetric Characterization of the Skeletal Hot Spots seen in the Bone Scans done in this referral center during 2016-2017, in differentiating metastatic and non-metastatic lesions.
Materials and Method: The study group consists of 59 patients referred for #metastatic evaluation and non-specific bone complaints to our center. The whole body bone scan was done 3hrs after the #intravenous injection of 15 to 25mCi of Tc99m MDP using GE Millenium Gamma Camera. The 24hr whole body bone scan was repeated in all those who had focal hot spots in their scans and who accepted voluntarily with the consent of the referring physician. The counts in the focal hot spots at 3 and 24hr bone scan images were calculated using the region ratio count protocol. The Dr.V.Siva’s Retention Ratio was calculated by dividing the3hr counts by the 24hr counts in the focal hotspots. The values of metastatic and non-metastatic groups were tabulated and analyzed.

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