Thursday, June 27, 2019

Journals on Vaccination - BJSTR Journal


The present study is aimed to evaluate the anti-filarial activity of #Gymnema sylvestre (Asclepiadaceae), against human #lymphatic filarial parasite Brugia malayi in vitro and in vivo. The ethanolic extract of the leaves was tested in vitro on adult worms and microfilariae (mf) of B. malayi and the active sample was further evaluated in vivo in B. malayi intraperitoneally (i.p.) transplanted in the jird model (Meriones unguiculatus) and #Mastomys coucha subcutaneously infected with infective larvae (L3). The ethanolic extract of the leaves of the G. sylvestre was tested in vitro on adult worms and microfilariae (mf) of #B. Malayi and the active sample was further evaluated in vivo in B. malayi. The ethanolic extract was active in vitro (IC50: adult= 65.0 μg/ml; mf = 32.5. μg/ml) where it demonstrated 65.0% #adulticidal and #embryostatic effect on B malayi in Mastomys at a dose of 5 × 100mg/kg by oral route. The antifilarial test conducted was at 5×100mg/kg by subcutaneous route revealed excellent adulticidal efficacy resulting in to the death of 65.0% transplanted adult B. Malayi in the peritoneal cavity of jirds in addition to noticeable #microfilaricidal action on the day of autopsy. The findings revealed that the extract from the leaves of G. Sylvestre contains promising in vitro and in vivo antifilarial activity against human lymphatic filarial parasite B. malayi which may be further explored to new #antifilarial agents. Over the past few years, the interest in natural medicine has been increasing in industrialized societies because of the ever-growing problem of side effects and high cost of synthetic medicines. gymnema is a native to central and western India, tropical Africa and Australia. Other names Sanskrit: Meshashringi, madhunashini, Hindi: Gur-mar, merasingi [1]. #G. Sylvestre (Asclepiadaceae), a vulnerable species is a slow growing, perennial, medicinal woody climber found in central and peninsular India (Figure 1).

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