Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


India has given lot of valuable contribution to the world. Yoga is one of them. Since 2015 international yoga day is celebrated with great aplomb throughout the world. People are making it a part of their life. All this itself speaks volume about the popularity of yoga in present day. Yoga is most popular medical stream which include #asana, #physical stretches, breathing exercise and technique to relax and focus the mind. Modern research and facilities bring us toward luxury life, at the same time we are losing peace of mind. This loosing peace of mind inviting variety of lifestyle disease. Yoga is most useful way to bring life toward peace of mind.it is also useful in therapeutic purpose for disease like obesity, #diabetes, and #hypertension. Unfortunately, now days many untrained people enter in yoga teaching. Learning yoga from untrained coach should be harmful to health. All asana performed under guidance of trainer only. Indication and contraindication of all asana and yoga is also important. If yoga done in scientific ways than we only get its benefits and yoga will become more popular at national as well as international level. Yoga is group of physical, mental and spiritual practise or discipline which originated in ancient India [1]. According to rigveda, origin of yoga is pre-vedic era. Swami vevekananda also said benefit of yoga throughout of his life.

For more articles on BJSTR Journal please click on https://biomedres.us/

Relevance of Yoga in Present Days by Dnyaneshwar Kantaram Jadhav in BJSTR

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