Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journals on Regenerative Diseases - BJSTR Journal


Roughly 22% of all pregnancies end in an abortion [1]. This rate goes up to as much as 75% in pregnancies occurring in advanced age. Normally once women seek counselling with bleeding in early pregnancy mostly the standard method of finding viability has been clinical evaluation, doing an #ultrasonography along with quantitative #HCG levels and repeated USG for confirmation of a missed abortion causing loss of time and emotional sequelae [2]. Robinson et al. [2] quoted that stress and #anxiety is worst at the time of initial knowledge than the depression that follows the final miscarriage [2]. Garcia [3] reviewed the risk factors for these. Importance of making an early diagnosis is that one can stop the medications like P or oral anticoagulants, while those who have an ongoing IUP, one can reassure the patient and observe her medically. Recently based on the physiological knowledge that alpha protein (AFP) is produced by yolk sac and later on by the fetal liver [4], as early as the 5th week of #gestation, AFP can be measured from the #embryonic tissue. In fetal serum AFP is>=1000 times higher than the maternal serum [5]. Thus Mor [6] hypothesized if AFP concentration in vaginal blood which contains dissolved fetus tissue is higher than #AFP concentrations in maternal serum. Thus, they tried to find if relatively high AFP concentrations in early 1st trimester or early second trimester vaginal blood will confirm the presence of an IUP which has failed i.e. a missed abortion or incomplete abortion since it contains dissolved fetal tissues [6].

For more articles on BJSTR Journal please click on https://biomedres.us/

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