Thursday, September 26, 2019

Journal of Biomedical Research and Review - BJSTR Journal


Water makes up more than two-thirds of the #human body; the #human brain is made up of 95 percent water, blood is 82 percent water, and lungs are 90 percent water [1]. Water is vital component to every living organism in the world, especially the human species. More often than not clean water is not accessible to many human beings worldwide. This is quite alarming because of all the detrimental aspects that are associated with unclean water that is often used. Many individuals would rather consume and utilize unsanitary water than none at all. Take for example the alarming number of people that drink unsafe water worldwide, a staggering two billion people [2]. More statistics on prevalence, the importance of #clean water, and how such an issue in relation to its public health implication will be discussed in further detail in this paper. H20, or water, however one would like to call it is such an important factor for life to continue. Water is so important that without it, a human being can on survive for a matter of a few days [3]. The human body is approximately 75 percent water and is essential from the continuation of life and homeostasis of the body [3]. Water is used in the human body for a number of different functions, such as a lubricant in the body, body temperature regulation, removing #harmful toxins in the body, and transporting nutrients throughout the body [4]. Simply from all of the previously listed functions of water in the body, one can evaluate the absolute necessity of water.

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The Importance of Clean Water by Satesh Bidaisee in BJSTR

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