Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


The right information, the diagnosis, and the treatment of a disease are only possible with knowing all the factors and data about it in a comprehensive way. Thus, for a healthy treatment, the identification of the causes of the disease and the #diagnosis are required. Diagnosing the most effective cause of the disease among multiple causes is essential for a permanent treatment. Because, in the treatment of diseases, a permanent solution can be produced with a holistic approach, considering the relationship between the whole body and the organs. The systems that create the human body are #locomotor, neural, respiratory, urinary and #circulating systems. In all these systems there are more than one basic and active substances. Blood is the most active substance between these active substances. It is a specialized type of collagen tissue composed of blood, #plasma, and cells. Blood is the basic building stone that gives life to the human body. The state of the body's vitality depends on maintaining #adequate blood circulation throughout the body. For this reason, blood is the main factor in keeping someone healthy or making one sick. Because of the many tasks of the blood, two main activities attract the attention. The first is the delivery of substances such as needed food to the cells.

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