Thursday, October 24, 2019

Journals on Nursing - BJSTR Journal


Education is an intentional process of a social nature whose aims have varied from one era to another, from one culture to another, from one social class to another, and are largely determined by social, political, economic, #philosophical systems, ethical and religious that have given rise to it. However, their common objectives are: socialization, the search for social adaptation of man to the group, its culture, its institutions; and the individualization, the promotion of the subject for its realization, according to its own aspirations. Therefore, its problematic is placed in the search of the balance between these two aspects complementary to each other, rather than #contradictory; taking into account the individual and social character of man. Consequently, training must be conceived from the #pedagogy with integrity to the challenges of teaching, research and social action that characterize the educational process of the higher level [1].Faced with this premise the Educational Project of the Catholic University of #Manizales is raised in permanent construction, defined by the same educational community and is oriented towards the development and humanization of knowledge, culture around the construction of new citizenship, drawing as a mission axis: The nursing program is no stranger to this feeling, so it is concerned with providing an integral education, which results in citizens committed to society and with the object of studying the discipline that is care, responding as ethical and political subjects, that seek the welfare of individuals, families and communities.

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