Friday, October 25, 2019

Journals on Surgery Articles - BJSTR Journal


#Ulcerative colitis (NSU) refers to the number of diffuse chronic recidivating diseases of the colon, which mainly affected its mucous membrane. Some patients of disease are extremely #ma-lignant, with the development of #segmental necrosis as thin and thick intestines [1-5]. NSU meets throughout the world. In year 3 to 15 of diagnosed new observations on 100 000 of the population, and the incidence of reaches 50-80. Men and women have equally often. The first peak of the delectability of age from 20 years old do40, the second 60-70 years [2,6]. At pre-sent, there is no clear information about the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease. It is expected that the development of ulcerative colitis is the breakdown of immunological tolerance to intestinal antigens. The result is a loss of immunological control of inflammation in the wall of the small and large intestines [2,7]. It is believed that this #pathological process normally resist low doses of endogenous gljukokortikosteroidov (GKS), that in a cage are associated with the specific gljukokortikosteroidnymi #zitoplazmaticakimi receptors.This complex enters the nucleus of the cell and is in contact with DNA elements in the region are #glukokortikoida specific genes. The most often considered to be a hereditary predisposition to the development of autoimmune inflammation in the #mucosa of the colon in response to sowing surface micro-organisms and #viruses, as well as contact the impact food. This opinion is based on the frequent combination of NSU with other autoimmune processes [3,8].

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