Friday, November 29, 2019

Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


Most of the nonsteroidal #anti-inflammation drugs (NSAID) have some demerits depending on type and nature of physical conditions and limit of doses. Herein, we report the optimization of Naproxen and its degradants employing density functional theory (DFT) with B3LYP/6-31g+(d,p) level theory to elucidate their thermal and molecular orbital properties. Molecular docking and nonbonding interactions have been performed against #prostaglandin synthase protein (5F19) to search binding affinity and interactions of all compounds with the respective protein. #Pharmacokinetic properties also calculated to search their absorption, metabolism, and carcinogenicity.#Naproxen is a naphthalene nucleus bearing nonsteroidal an- ti-pyratic and anti-inflammatory drug, that plays key role against #cyclooxygenase (COX) leading to suppress #prostaglandins accumulation caused by various diseases [1,2]. It has undesirable side effects upon routine medication due to free form of terminal acid group. A bunch of modification focused on terminal acid group protection or prodrug derivatization in order to minimize the secondary effect [1-3]. Several degradative studies suggested to investigate the nature of #degradant in the different chemical and physical environment [4,5].

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Journals on Veterinary Medicine Articles - BJSTR Journal


An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effects of #ketamine alone and with #acepromazine combination on anesthetic parameters; on physiological and hematological parameters to choose a suitable general anesthetic combination for use in surgical procedures in local breed of dogs in Mekelle, Ethiopia. The experimental study was carried out on ten local breed of dogs and were randomly divided in to two groups with five dogs in each group. Data was collected for analyzing physiological effects of #anesthetic combinations; anesthetic effects and hematological effects using physical recording and laboratory analysis. The results of this study showed duration of general anesthesia was (62.8 ± 2.28 min] and animal recovered (72.8 ±2.28 min] in #acepromazine -ketamine combination whereas duration of general anesthesia was (30± 1.05 min] in ketamine alone. The result also showed that the physiological and #hematological parameters remained significantly unchanged during the anesthesia in both groups.Therefore, relation duration of action, #acepromazine and ketamine combination was a suitable choice for undertaking of surgical operations in dogs of local breed for longer duration of action i.e (62.8 ± 2.28 min].

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


#Cyclodextrins (CDs), a family of #macrocyclic oligosaccharides, are well known as drug carriers due to their specific structures and properties. Their adequate size and truncated cone-shaped architecture with inner slightly hydrophobic cavity and outer hydrophilic surface provide suitable space for interaction with many types of organic and inorganic compounds, including ions, proteins and oligonucleotides. The most common members of this family, a-CD, p-CD and y-CD, which are termed parent CDs, possess 6, 7 and 8 a-#D-glucopyranose units respectively. Among them, p-CD is able to form inclusion complexes with most of drugs, thanks to its medium-size inner cavity. As a result of their attributes in improving solubility, stability and #bioavailability of guest molecules, CDs are widely used in pharmaceutical applications. All these useful properties can be further enhanced by employing water soluble derivatives of CDs, such as hydroxypropyl and #sulfobutyl ether CDs. Benefiting from self-assembly and #supramolecular host-guest interactions, CD-based inclusion complexes can result in different nanoarchitectures which endow improved characteristics as higher loading capacity, targeted and controlled release.

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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Tessier No. 3 is one of three types of oblique facial clefts according to #Tessier's classification. This serious and rare congenital anomaly requires many specialized reconstructive operations and long-term postoperative treatment, the necessity for which is emphasised in this article. Based on a review of the literature, the paper discusses techniques of #ortho-surgical treatment of Tessier type 3 facial cleft.raniofacial clefts constitute a broad spectrum of malformations which have a large variety offorms. They occur at a frequency of1 to 5 per 100,000 live births [1]. One such extremely rare developmental defect is an oblique face cleft, which represents 0.24% of all #craniofacial clefts [2]. Currently, the most widely used classification of cleft defects in the facial part of the skull is that proposed by Tessier in 1976 [3]. Oblique facial clefts are described as Tessier types 3, 4 and 5; the naso-ocular cleft Tessier 3, is located the most #mesialy. It involves such a #craniofacial structure as the #vermilion border of the upper lip and the nasal wing. It results in the lack of an oral vestibule in this area. Then, the cleft fissure passes through the side wall of the nose up to the medial angle of the eye, medially in relation to the lower lacrimal point.

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Journals on Neuro Imaging - BJSTR Journal


Degenerative disc disease of lumbar spine is almost universal with increasing age. Between 70-90 % of individuals will experience back pain at some point in their lives. The commonest site of pain in the spine is the #intervertebral disc. Although the central part of the disc has no nerve supply, the annulus is very sensitive and is often a source of pain. Disc #prolapse occurs commonly in middle age with a typical history of an episode of back pain either related to lifting and / or twisting or which occurs spontaneously. 80% of disc prolapses occur in lumbar spine, the majority at L5-S1 and at L4-L5. The back pain commonly lasts for 2-6 weeks but is followed immediately by sciatica or nerve root pain. The pain follows one or more #dermatomes and is often associated with neurological symptoms, altered sensation and weakness in the muscles innervated by the compressed nerve roots. Men are more commonly affected. Multiple level disc involvement is commoner as compared to single level disc involvement. L4-L5 and L5-S1 level discs are most commonly affected due to disc degeneration changes. MRI is the standard imaging modality for detecting disc #pathology due to its advantage of lack of radiation, #multiplanar imaging capability and precise localisation of intervertebral disc changes. 

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Happy Thanks Giving - BJSTR Journal

Greetings from Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky, we are.

I consider myself very fortunate for having a chance to work with an expert of your caliber. Working with you was a great learning experience for me. I really value the knowledge and insight you have.

One of the joys of Thanksgiving is wishing you a happy Holiday Season and a healthy and prosperous New Year!

Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...