Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


We performed the study of secondary metabolites from endophytic fungus #Aspergillustereus. The fungus was isolated from the ascidian #Didemnummolle which grow in the Malalayang waters, North Sulawesi. Chemical investigation of extracts from Biomaltagar found compounds from lactone groups namely Terrein and #Butyrolacton VII. The structure of the above compounds was characterized based on spectroscopic data including NMR, UV, IR and MS. Terein and Butyolacton VII showed a narrow spectrum antibacterial activity against Gram positive bacteria Bacillus #megaterium DSM32T. So far there was no reports about the antibacterial activity of Butyolacton VII. The problem in controlling microorganism is increased spread of drug- resistant #microorganisms. The resistance can be due to routinely use of certain antibiotics. The discovery of newly antibiotic is the essential step in order to keep the sustainability of effective #antimicrobial medicine. Secondary metabolites proved to be interesting for drug development. In their natural habitat, these compounds are important for the marine organism itself. They play a crucial ecological role, shielding against potential invaders, #predators, other competitors or prevent diseases caused by microorganisms.

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Terrein and Butyrolacton VII, Antibiotically Active Compounds from Symbiotic Fungus Aspergillus Terreus Isolated from Ascidian Didemnum Molle by Robert A Bara in BJSTR

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