Monday, November 4, 2019

Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


A combined group of doctors working in different hospitals speculated that Hodgkin's disease is initiated by two events in fetal life. On the whole, pregnancy related factors, such as intra-uterine infection and factors associated with preterm labor, may be involved in lymphoma #pathogenesis. Therefore, a Nigerian case is deemed to be reportable because the lesions, which appeared at birth, continued till the age of 1 year when the diagnosis was confirmed following surgical biopsy.In a population-based study of California birth Certificates [1], #"intra-uterine infections and factors associated with #preterm labor may be involved in lymphoma pathogenesis." Elsewhere, "in a large national cohort study, family history of NHL high fetal growth, older maternal age, low birth order, and male sex were independent risk factors for NHL, in early life" [2]. What of the individual case? This came to light among the Ibo ethnic group [3]. On account of the facility of establishing of a histopathology data pool, which was recommended by a Birmingham (UK) group [4], this was used by the senior author (WIBO) and his clinical colleague (GU) in the following case.

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