Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Science - BJSTR Journal


Lung cancer is the leading cause of #cancer death worldwide. Smoking is the #main risk factor, but recent studies show an #upsurge of professional and environmental factors in the genesis of this pathology. It is also the cancer most affected by occupational exposures, lungs are the front door many substances present in the workplace. This article presents all the pulmonary carcinogens as given by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) classified as Carcinogenic agents with sufficient evidence in humans (group 1: carcinogen) and those known as agents with limited evidence in #humans (group 2A: probably carcinogenic and group 2B: possibly carcinogenic). Although occupational lung cancer has no specificity for its clinical representation, there are some arguments of various kinds that can link this cancer to an occupational origin that will be examined throughout this article. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide [1]. It's the first cause of cancer deaths in men and the second, after that of breast in women [2]. His #prognosis is very dark with less than 5% survival at 5 years. Although smoking is the main risk factor, recent studies show an upsurge in occupational and environmental factors in the genesis of this pathology [3,4]. In the workplace, lung cancer is the most common occupational cancer [1]. Respiratory tract cancers are particularly concerned by occupational exposures because inhalation is the route of entry for many substances present in the workplace. If s also the most affected by occupational exposures and some of them exist in the list of the #occupational diseases tables as occupational cancer giving the right to have a compensation according compensable occupational diseases system [5].

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Occupational Lung Cancer by Tarik Ghailan in BJSTR

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