Thursday, December 5, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


Introduction: Small #gallbladder polyps (GBP) are usually asymptomatic and benign and are monitored with regular ultrasonography (US) surveillance. Although most centers repeat imaging within a year, there remains no #consensus regarding appropriate scan intervals.
Aims: To investigate the size stability of GBP and to review the need for close surveillance.
Methods: All abdominal ultrasound scans performed in our hospital over 3-month period were reviewed. Patients with #sonographic evidence of GBP and with subsequent surveillance were included. The demographics of patients, characteristics of polyps, and subsequent scans over the following five years were reviewed. #Histological reports were obtained for patients who underwent cholecystectomy.
Results: 96 patients were included in the study. Median age was 51 (range, 24-89) years with a male predominance (67.7%). Main indications for US were #hepatitis follow-up (41.7%) and abdominal pain (20.8%). Most patients had multiple polyps (62.5%) and the median diameter of the largest polyp was 4 (range, 3-10) mm. 

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