Thursday, December 12, 2019

Journals on Medical Science - BJSTR Journal


Background: The growth of #motorization of the population is accompanied by an increase in the number of environmental pollutants. In this study, the impact on public health risk indicators of not only gaseous but also dust components entering the environment during the operation of vehicles was studied.
Methods: A quantitative assessment of the impact of the process of operation of the road-car complex (DAC) of different intensity on air pollution. Then we determined the value of the indicator of risk to public health at different intensity of air pollution by products of operation of the #DAC. The dependence of the risk to public health on the distance to roads with different traffic intensity was determined.
Results: The growth of motorization of the population has led to the formation of a high level of air pollution in megacities during the combustion of fuel, destruction of the road surface, parts of the braking system and tires of the car. Solid dust particles in atmospheric air samples are 70 % represented by #aluminosilicates, which have a #fibrogenic effect, contain heavy metal compounds and substances with a pronounced carcinogenic effect (Benz-(a)-pyrene, dibenzo- (a, h)-anthracene, Benz-(B)-fluoranthene and chrysene).

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