The Legalization of the Cannabis, as a Social and Economic Strategy to Strengthen the Governments and Producing Countries
Mini Review
The fight against non-legal narcotics in the world is a race of
resources and strength, but also of alternative strategies, such as
those that should arise from the ideas of “reinventing” the national
responses in this matter and “granting more voice to citizenship “,
ideas that even when they are commonplace in the current collective
ideology at least in Mexico and Latin America, they have not been able
to conclude decriminalization and decriminalization, at least of
Cannabis, as a non-harmful substance. Something that Mexicans in general
face against the international perspective is the disenchantment and
bad image of insecurity, projected in the mass media abroad, which can
be mitigated with the decriminalization of some drugs that may have
medical and industrial use, such as Cannabis which example. The market
(legal and illegal) of narcotics is also governed by the laws of supply
and demand, capital and surplus value. Legalizing this market implies:
a) Leave it under the aegis of the State.
b) Reduce the danger and acquisition risks for addicted consumers by reducing exposure to associated violence.
c) The potential self-limitation of the market; the non-penalization
of its processing, commercialization and consumption will not convert us
into many consumers; Just as there is a genetic predisposition for
alcoholism and obesity, there is a possible predisposition for addiction
to this type of non-harmful narcotics [1].
d) The self-limitation to consumption by means of the “social
exposure of results”, when the population manages to perceive the
results in view that were previously hidden and now, they
are able to see: road accidents due to lack of coordination, road
killings, overdoses, sexual impotence , loss of cognitive functions,
cardiovascular effects and decreased life expectancy, which no longer
make the “forbidden” so attractive.
e) The control and registration of addicts, to be able to enter
social programs of economic-labour, psychological and social
reintegration, avoiding their criminalization.
f) The elimination of territorial competences of the bands, by
allowing their sale openly in moderate quantities, considering that
although currently illegal, this market continues to sell, because there
are people who continue to buy, even if it is legalized, it will
continue to do so but with less danger for them, and on the other hand
in establishments that will allow the governments compensatory fiscal
collection [2].
g) The limitation of the domestic market for narcotics, through the
creation of mixed funds from the specific collection of the State in
this area and in a greater percentage by the free enterprise and private
initiative that generate a program of “twin establishments” where next
to the point of sale, there is another for the recovery, care and
reintegration of addicts. No market grows indefinitely and infinitely,
this market will be limited to consumer demand, which cannot be the
whole of society.
h) Independent citizen participation and civil organizations, in the
proposal of a legislation that allows removing the psychological and
social stigma of drug dependence, in such a way that the drug addict
belonging to a sector of government, bureaucracy, public security or
civil society, which is involved in the actions of “correction” but “in a
hidden way” has
addiction or dependence, is not seen as a criminal, but as a
sick person, whether they know it or not, and recovery groups
should be encouraged structured as HIV-AIDS patients, or
cancer patients. Non-stigmatization will make it possible to
make the real dimension of the problem transparent, and to
address the causes we suppose scientifically, medically and
epidemiologically, in order to apply “correction from the root”
programs [3].
i) The legalization could allow zonal or regional
organization, reduce the risks of friction and violence, and in
this way increase the fiscal collection of the State by means
of heavily taxing the progressive consumption in quantity,
and reduce the tax as the dose decreases, in such a way that a
behavioural psychological “conditioning” is created. (recalling
the prohibition in the 1920s in the United States) [4].
j) Finally, basic, clinical and pharmacological medical
research is feasible, since marijuana (cannabis c.), for example,
has analgesic effects on pain [5], anti-inflammatories,
antiemetics (against vomiting), and even antineoplastic drugs,
considered in some cases centres of oncological research in
Europe as a potential drug against cancer, mainly the brain, and
it is feasible to reduce the addictive effect that in sum, is even
less than that of nicotine.
And as a corollary, this war as well as the Cold War between
the former Soviet Union and the United States ended, not with
the victory of one side, but with the debacle of the paradigm,
caused by the accumulation of internal differences and popular
empowerment that ended literally with political and social dogmas
of both sides, and in turn, as conceptual revolutions framed the
definitive change in the social vision of each side. By analogy, in a
war whose battlefield is transnational, and in all social strata, it is
very difficult to win a side, and we have to learn, like AnĂbal Barca
driving to Carthage on Rome: “You can beat an army, but never a
people”, the “reinvention” of the national response, should consider
strategies that end the paradigm of war, because, I conclude quoting
Tedd Dekker,” if we kill, we become like them, there is a time for war,
and a time for peace”. And the time of the war is over, and it is time
for peace [6].
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