Friday, September 3, 2021

Evidences that the Infection with Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) might Protect Against Hepatitis C Virus and the Other Types


Evidences that the Infection with Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) might Protect Against Hepatitis C Virus and the Other Types 

Dear Editor

The hepatitis viruses are viruses that infect the liver. They are mainly five unrelated hepatotropic viruses; hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Those five types are genetically closed to each other. They can be classified regarding to their genomic material and types as Picornavirus (+ssRNA), Orthohepadnavirus (dsDNART), Hepacivirus (+ssRNA), Deltavirus (−ssRNA), and Hepevirus (+ssRNA). I have personally gotten the hepatitis A virus during my adolescent. Being healthy attracts my attention that the infection with virus’s hepatitis A virus might protect against the hepatitis C virus. During the last ten years, I have asked everybody who gained hepatitis A virus if he/she gained hepatitis C virus and the response was always no.

I want to attract your kind attention and the attention of the scientific community that there is an evidence that the infection with hepatitis A virus (HAV) might protect against Hepatitis C virus and the other types.

As a scientist, to prove that, taking serum from the hepatitis A virus to inactivate, precipitate or do hemagglutination test will prove nothing because of the difference between the in vivo and the in vitro results.

I am interested through your respective journal to attract the attention of the scientific community to target this observation through worldwide statistical analysis for the relationship between hepatitis A virus infected patients and the % of other types of infection with hepatitis viruses.

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