Full Validation of a New Formula Estimating the Smoking Economic Burden by Morbidity
Smoking is a significant health market weakness close related
to tobacco consumption intensity. The smoking impact over the
health finance management carries to big fiscal spends agree to
the tobacco consumption intensity too [1]. In the Health Economy
context is usually used the illness burden attributable to smoking
(morbidity close related to smoking probability´s) as similar to
the smoking economic burden by morbidity (probability to health
spend because of smoking) [2]. This limitation is given because there
isn´t a single generalized form estimating the smoking economic
burden by morbidity because this risk factor is researched as other
risk factor without take account the self-particular characteristic
from smoking. Then, the precise measurement from this rate is
a significant present necessity for epidemiologic researches and
health Budget administration too [3]. Smoking is given by the
tobacco consumption [4]. Smoking impact over the Public Health
mean san opportunity cost because of financial pressure to the
health financial administration attributable to tobacco consumption
[5]. People agree to tobacco consumption support that smoke is a
personal and single decision. However, this argument don´t take
account the smoker dependence to tobacco consumption because
of nicotine. Also make reference to the effective employment
because of the tobacco economy. Nevertheless, this argument don´t
consider the labor productivity lose attributable to smoking given
by labor time lose smoking and smoker earlier death before retire age
[6]. Also is supported that earlier smoker death carries to fiscal
save because of reduction in retirement payments. However, this
argument don´t take account all social costs attributable to smoking
before the smoker death [7].
Acknowledge the whole smoking economic impact over the
health financial administration is very important. As consequence
is important a precise measurement from this economic impact to
design and apply effective policies or the smoking control [8,9]. WHO
is agree increasing tobacco price by tax. This economic policy must
provide a context where fiscal income would increase and tobacco
consumption would reduce because of the general behavior from
these economic goods as ordinaries and necessaries goods [10].
Thus is evidenced the real necessity from the precise estimation
from the smoking economic burden for the Public Health and the
whole society too [11]. In Cuba, fiscal income related to tobacco
consumption, the economic heavy from the tobacco industry over
the external trade and the social and cultural conditions close
related to tobacco consumption don´t make easy the effective
smoking control [12]. Cuba had developed several researches
describing the relation between tobacco consumption, Price and
other economic variables. However, Cuba hasn´t an actualized cost
– benefit relation quantified to support an economic policy for an
effective reduction from the tobacco consumption. This situation
is given by the unknowledge from the smoking economic burden
measurement´s [13]. Also had been researched the use from the
tributary policy for the smoking control, showing the fesiability from
this policy type to reduce the tobacco consumption. Nevertheless,
anyone from these researches shows the whole smoking economic
burden over the Public Health [14,15]. From the ten main death
causes in Cuba seven are close related to tobacco consumption. All
of them are no – communicable illnesses [16]. Patients attention
because of these morbidity and mortality causes are mainly present
in health institutions with middle or high especialization, carring to
more expensive health services because of smoking [17].
Cuban´s goverment organizations had established several
measures for the smoking control. However, the empiric evidence
shows that those measures aren´t applied wholy [18].
By other side, the salarial measures adopted since had
contributed to raise the net salary. For example, in 2010 the
middle salary in Cuba was $448.00. In 2018 was $777.00. This
increasing represent more than 9% growing annualy. However,
since 1990´s until 2019 the trade minor price from tobacco was
the same, only $7.00 the box of 20 units. This price represent less
than $0.30 USD per box. This position had done more available
the tobacco products carring to increase the effective demand of
health services attributables to smoking. However, the unknow
from the smoking economic burden by morbidity don´t may make
a detailled valuation from the smoking impact over the health
services administration [19]. Estimating the smoking economic
impact are used mainly two ways. One is using the standart cost
agree to the illness protocol. This method is used in limited context
as health institution, for example, because of the unavailable
generalization use for big populational research, for example,
esstimating the smoking economc impact over the health services
in a whole economy. At same time, this situation conditiones the
effective capability from fiscal authorities for the smoking control
[20]. The second way is agree to the economic burden rate. This
method looks for determine the expected relative value from the
Public Health spend attributable to smoking. This method is largely
used in populational researches and is the main supporting the
designing and application of public policies for the smoking control.
This is the main method analyzed in this research.
Smoking Economic Burden by Morbidity Agree to the Illness Burden
The illness burden is an epidemiologic concept to measure
the morbidity impacto ver the researched population. In relative
terms is equivaent to the probability from the selected morbidity
in the reearched population. In the analysis from the illness burden
is included the analysis from the economic burden from the
morbidity cause or risk factor researched. This ter mis equivalent to
the probability from the cost attributable to the morbidity cause or
risk factor researched [21]. Respect to smoking researching as risk
factor, the morbidity attributable is a necessary condition but not
sufficient determining the smoking economic burden by morbidity.
Since the economic point of view, the illness burden attributable
to smoking determines the potential demand of health services
because of smoking while the economic burden by morbidity
determines the effective demand of health services attributable
to smoking [22]. Much researches uses the rate for illness burden
attributable to smoking as the rate for the economic burden
attributable to smoking by morbidity. This practice carries to a
methodologic mistake and may make less trustable the researches
results. Especifically this position is assumed when researches
uses the economic burden because of active smokers as similar of
the smoking economic burden by morbidity. Nevertheless, not all
health spend because of active smokers is attributable to smoking
and from no smokers health spend a portion is attributable to
smoking because of passive smokers [22]. Then, the smoking
economic burden by morbidity because of active smokers is always
less than the illness burden attributable to smoking. Using both rate
as similar carries to over value the true smoking economic impact
over the health services.
As example of that is research from 2016 in Latin America.
In this case authors used the rate from the economic burden
by morbidity in a way wich interpretation suggests that illness
burden attributable to smoking because of active smokers is equal to the whole smoking economic burden by morbidity [23]. Other
authors as Ariel Barchad [24], Isaranuwatchai [25], Lightwood
y Glantz [26], Sung Max [27] had developed similar researches
with similar procedure too. This condition shows the necessity
to remake the rate estimating the smoking economic burden by
morbidity because of active smokers. In Cuba had been developed
several researches related to the smoking economic impact. Much
from these researches compare the health spends because of
active smokers and no active smokers assuming that the difference
between then is attributable to smoking. By this way is assumed
the same position previosly analyzed where the health spend by
active smokers is used as equal to the health spends attributable
to smoking [28]. These researches are suppousing that smoking
dimension depend only from the active smoker existence witout
consider the relation between the tobacco consumption intensity
and the added affect from smoking in the morbidity attributable
and the economic burden by morbidity too [28].
By other side, in the analyze from the smoking economic
burden by morbidity is usually excluded the passive smokers.
This condition makes that the smoking economic burden by
morbidity isn´t showed wholy. In this case is important appoint
that passive smoking is determined by active smoking because
the tobacco active consumption determines the active smoking
which determines the passive smoking. Then, the tobacco active
consumption and the smoker’s number are main variables
explaining the smoking economic burden by morbidity and not
only the smoker’s number [22]. Passive smoking plays an important
role estimating the smoking economic burden by morbidity and
particularly in the cost – benefit relation. Passive smokers induce
to health spend attributable to smoking agree to the economic
burden attributable to smoking because of active smokers. Also,
passive smokers don´t carry to fiscal income because they don´t by
tobacco. However, passive smokers spend attributable to smoking
may be very significant too [29]. Abstracting, since the economic
point of view the main limitation identified estimating the smoking
economic burden by morbidity is given by attributating the whole
smoking economic burden by morbidity to actie smokers. That´s
why a precise estimation from the smoking economic burden by
morbidity demand two main modification:
1. Remake the rate for the smoking economic burden by
morbidity because of active smokers.
2. Include in the analyze the passive smokers.
To answer these limitations Fé Fernández Hernández and
Efraín Sánchez González introduced new conceptions that carried
to propouse significant transformations estimating the smoking
economic burden by morbidity agree to the Medical Journal of Pinar
del Río [29]. Nevertheless, it is necessary to valorate the designed
rate to measure the smoking economic burden by morbidity. This is
the main objective from this research.
Was made a bibliographic research to describe the estimation process from the smoking economic burden by morbidity. Were utilized as theoretical method the analysis and synthesis, the comparative and the systematization. As empiric methods were used the Principle of Multiplication and the bibliographic research
The economic burden attributable to someone risk factor is determined by the happening of three independient successes at same time: the existence of some person affected by the researched risk factor, the existence of the morbidity related to the researched risk factor and the effective demand of health services attributable to the researched risk factor [22]. Each one from these successes has a probability associated. Agree to the Multiplication Principle, if someone success A is determined by the happening of several independient successes at same time, the probability associated to A is equal to the product of the probabilities from all successes determining the A happening [30,31].
The Smoking Economic Burden Over the Public Health
All tobacco consumption damages the human health. Then,
the illness burden by smoking born since the minimun tobacco
consumption. In the smoking economic burden by morbidity case´s
isn´t thus because this rate is also determined by the effective
demand of health services attributable to smoking. Given that the
potential demand is higher than the effective demand, then, the
effective demand of health services attributable to smoking is less
than the potential demand of health services attributable to the
same risk factor. In epidemiologic terms means that the illness
burden attributable to smoking is higher than the economic burden
attributable to smoking by morbidity all rate measured in reative
terms as Fé Fernández Hernández and Efraín Sánchez González
suggested. However, there is a direct proportional relation between
the effective demand of health servics attributable to smoking and
the tobacco consumption over the minimum tobacco consumption
determining the existence of the effective demand of health
services attributable to smoking. This means that higher tobacco
consumption over that minimun consumption means higher
effective demand of health services attributable to smoking. Also
means that with the growing of tobacco consumption the difference
between the illness burdens attributable to smoking and the
smoking economic burden by morbidity will be closing.
The cited authors introduce two main concepts showed in
1. Minimun economic consumption (mec): minimun tobacco
consumption determining the effective demand of health
services attributable to smoking.
2. Gross economic risk (ger): part from the illness burden by
morbidity determined by the effective demand of health
services attributable to smoking. It is equivalent to the
probability of the effective demand of health services
attributable to smoking.
Agree to authors, the mathematic fuction ger determined by the
tobacco consumption (tc) has two parts
Ger(tc) = 0; tc ≤ mec and
Ger(tc) = 1 – mec/tc; tc>mec [29]
Analizing Ger
The tobacco consumption intensity and the morbidity
attributable to smoking save a proportional relation with a dynamic
in the same sense. As result, the effective demand of health services
too because the close relaton between these variables [30].
In analytic terms should be equivalent to support that:

By other side the several impact from smoking over the morbidity at same time determine a desacelerated growing because the same patient only recieve a single health service at same time including when must afford several morbidity consequences attributable to smoking at same time. This phenomenon is more evident while tobacco consumption increases because of the growing in the morbidity attributable [30]. In analytic terms should be equivalent to support that:

By other side, it is evident that the smoking economic burden by morbidity is determined by the illness burden attributable to smoking and that´s the main reason of why those rates is close related. However, the accumulative efect from smoking over morbidity suggest a faster growing from the smoking economic burden by morbidity agree to tobacco consumption intensity. This analysis close to the previous may support that:

Abstracting, the rate suggested estimating the effective
demand of health services attributable to smoking is trustable and
contexted. Also is agree to the main economic and epidemiologic
characteristics from smoking related to the estimation of the
smoking economic burden by morbidity. As result, the smoking
economic burden by morbidity because of active smoker must be
calculated as the multiplication of the probability of the morbidity
close related to smoking, the probability to has an active smoker
and the probability of the effective demand of health services
attributable to smoking given by ger. It is very important take
account that exposition to tobacco smoke by smoking or passive
exposition is a main variable to understand the smoking economic
burden by morbidity behavior´s [22]. That´s why passive smoking
needs be explicated by tobacco consumption and tobacco passive
exposition at same time [20].
Null tobacco consumption means null smoking economic
burden by morbidity because of passive smokers. This is because
the smoking economic burden by morbidity because of passive
smokers is determined by the smoking economic burden by
morbidity because of active smokers agree to passive exposition
rate. Then, assuming that
1) Morbidity causes attributable to smoking are the same for
active and passive smokers, each one agree to self exposition
to tobacco consumption,
2) The successes to have an active smoker, a passive smoker and a
no smoker person are mutually excluding and complementaries
at same time in the researched population
the whole suggested rate estimating the smoking economic
burden by morbidity is aproppiate [20].
The new formula suggested estimating the smoking economic
burden by morbidity also:
a. Acknowledges that only a part from the illness burden
attributable to smoking has economic consequences agree
to the effective demand of health services attributable to
b. Acknowledges the main role from the tobacco consumption
intensity and the tobacco passive exposition estimating the
smoking economic burden by morbidity, and;
c. Acknowledges the self responsibilities from active and passive
smokers in the formation of the smoking economic burden by
However, the most important from the new formula is given
by identify the difference between the potential and the effective
demand of health services both attributable to smoking. This
suggestion solve the limitation identified previosly in this research.
Nevertheless, ger rate isn´t perfect because other rate with similar
characteristic may obtain similar results but it easy useful suggest
their utilization estimating the smoking economic burden by
morbidity. The new formulation was partially utilized in the Cuban
context limited to active smokers for 2019. The result showed that
the 11.1% from the health spend in 2019 was attributable to active
smoking. If in the cited research should be used the illness burden
attributable to smoking as similar to the smoking economic burden
by morbidity because of active smoker the rate value would be
16.4%. This difference means an over valuation from the smoking
economic burden by morbidity because of active smoker in 5.3%,
agree to the journal ECronicon Pulmonology and Respiratory
Medicine [20]. Moreover the number result, the new formula solve
the necessity to acknowledge and include the effective demand
of health services attributable to smoking estimating the whole
smoking economic burden by morbidity.
The new rate will provide a better estimation from the smoking
economic burden by morbidity. Its application will may identify the
role of active smokers and passive smokers in the formation of the
smoking economic burden. However, its application must be agreed
to the supposes identified.
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