Monday, January 10, 2022

Gynaecological Management in Siddha System of Medicine

Gynaecological Management in Siddha System of Medicine

Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Siddha Medicine
In India, the prevalence of gynecological disorders are alarming in situation at present. Due to the social stigma, the women do not disclose their gynecological disorders even to their closest neighbors. They disclose their problems to the local herbal healers or practitioners only. Noticeable rise in the gynecological disorders in India during the last few decades has drawn interest of all medical sciences to search for an effective alternative in the treatment of female reproductive tract disorders with minimal untoward effects. Women of contemporary era seek guiding principle towards sustaining her wellbeing. The practitioners are performing an excellent task in this regard. It is the responsibility of consultants to adhere to this commitment and principles, explore the knowledge and provide healing to her ailments. The health status of a girl /women is the backbone of the family and society. The health issues during childhood, adolescent period, pregnancy and postmenopausal stages are preventable and can be managed well with Siddha system of Medicine. The branch dealing with the health of the female reproductive organs (Gynaecology) [1] in Siddha system is called as “Magalir Maruthuvam” and the branch dealing with healthy maintenance of pregnancy, labour and puerperium (Obstetrics) in Siddha system called is called as “Sool Maruthuvam”. Pre and post-natal care in Siddha system for attaining a healthy offspring is essential for future generation. Also, the higher statistics of caesarean section in this advanced technical days, make the people to get the inputs of traditional system for their safe parturition. Hence Sool, Magalir Maruthuvam is the branch of Medicine dealing with the diseases of female reproductive organs in female children, adolescent girls, post-menopausal women, female infertility, pregnancy, antenatal, natal & post-natal care and their management and treatment through Siddha system of Medicine [2]. Siddha aims at preservation and maintenance of health and hence there is a tremendous scope of Siddha practitioners in Gynaecology to face the challenge of making Siddha as primary and only care for many benign disorders.

Common Gynecological Diseases

The common gynaecological disorders are infertility, amenorrhea, menorrhea, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), Leucorrhoea etc., These are termed as mentioned below:
a) Sinaipaineerkatti (PCOS)
b) Soothagavali (Dysmenorrhea)
c) Perumpadu (menorrhagia)
d) Vellainoi (leucorrhoea)
e) Maladu (infertility) [2] etc.,
The treatment for female gynaecological diseases with present day modern allopathic drugs that may be prescribed for a long period of time, have significant side effects such as nausea, vomiting and other digestive problems; liver and kidney disorders, involvement of heart related problems [3]. Various Siddha formulations and available herbal-polyherbal- herbo mineral practices for gynaecological disorders, which are depicted in the Siddha literatures possessing potential therapeutic values, with scientific validations are being practiced by Physicians across the state of Tamilnadu, India. The therapeutics in Siddha enunciates the treatment to the core of the ailments [4].

Infertility in Females

Infertility is a common clinical problem and is defined as inability of a couple to conceive naturally after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. In Siddha System of Medicine, Female Infertility is generally called as Karpa Rogam (i.e diseases which prevents pregnancy) or Pen Maladu. The patients were treated according to everyone’s complaints and conditions. Siddha system of medicine provides a complete and trusted line of treatment for female infertility.

Antenatal Care

Makapperu kaalam (Pregnancy period) is a crucial period in the life of a woman during which she has to adopt the healthy behaviours for the development of the embryo in healthy environment. Some major food regimens are mentioned in Siddha literatures for women that have to be followed throughout the gestational period for combating the possible occurrence of common ailments for the women during the entire gestational period. Another food regimen is dealt for the wellness of both the mother and the growing foetus to have normal labour process. This has to be adhered during every month of pregnancy for a healthier antenatal period (under the guidance of an expert) and for a normal delivery [5].

Postnatal Care

Most of the deaths of either mother or newborn after delivery are preventable if utmost care of both is available. The mother who had experienced the stress and strain during labour requires time to recover completely. In addition to this, she has to take care of her baby too as the newborn baby is completely dependent on her. Accordingly, Siddha system of Medicine has scientifically designed the post-natal care of both mother and the baby with diet and customs that are aimed to have normal puerperium for mothers and the normal health status of the newborn. Many complications may occur leading to delayed developmental milestones and sometimes death also. The regimen described in the literatures are planned in order to bring the woman to her pre pregnancy state and to make adaptation of the baby to the external environment. The Siddha post-natal regimen is formulated based on the food and nutrition, the physical and the mental activities of mother and child. This includes daily food pattern for the feeding mother with the ingredients of galactagogue and uterine tonics. The feeding of colostrum’s to the baby is stressed to boost the immunity of the newborn [6].

Care of Women in Postmenopausal Period

Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation resulting in the loss of ovarian follicle development [7]. Irregular periods, hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and itching, and mood swings-- all these are typical symptoms of menopause. Siddha system of Medicine view menopause as a natural transition of life process in a female. Health problems arising during this period indicate imbalances in the humoral factors of the body and diet of the women plays a vital role in balancing hormones during premenopause and menopause periods [8]. Siddha system emphasizes to take a varied diet which contains fruits, vegetables, whole grains that are rich sources of phyto estrogen. Lifestyle management is recommended during the time of menopause [9]. The treatise of Siddhar Theraiyar on “Prevention of diseases” which insists every individual to follow certain codes and regulations in daily and seasonal regimens is the actual method of combating menopausal disorders in a women. Siddha system of Medicine is the traditional system which takes care of a women even from the day one of the conception of the zygote which is going to be the futuristic women.

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