Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Healthy Diseases Versus Unhealthy Diseases


Healthy Diseases Versus Unhealthy Diseases


At first glance, the title seems curious: can there even be healthy diseases? After all, the effort of modern medicine is to eradicate diseases, with vaccinations being the method of choice. The goal of creating a disease-free human being is only too understandable. No one likes diseases, everyone wants to avoid them. On the other hand, it is curious that despite all these efforts, the goal is missed by far. The number of sick people is constantly increasing, with civilization diseases in particular showing a steady rise, if we consider only diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer or dementia. This peculiarity is based on the fact that we lump the diseases together, even though they have significant differences. This article claims that there are healthy diseases and that there are unhealthy diseases. One could imagine that unhealthy diseases are those from which one predominantly dies and, conversely, healthy diseases are those from which one does not die. This is certainly not wrong, but it is too short-sighted. This peculiarity is based on the fact that we lump the diseases together, even though they have significant differences. This article claims that there are healthy diseases and that there are unhealthy diseases. One might imagine that unhealthy diseases are those from which one dies predominantly, and conversely, healthy diseases are those from which one does not usually die. This is certainly not wrong, but it is too short-sighted, because a patient with e.g. primary chronic polyarthritis rarely dies from it, but he suffers greatly throughout his life.


The following definition would make more sense: a healthy disease prolongs life, an unhealthy disease shortens life. One could now ask what condition in the organism contributes to prolongation. The most important condition is undoubtedly detoxification, second is the reduction of aggressive substances such as free radicals, third is the supply of vital, essential substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids or antioxidants. According to this, healthy diseases could be defined as those that detoxify the body, and unhealthy diseases as those that do not detoxify the body or, conversely, poison it. Detoxification involves a simple, but rarely observed principle: what has left the body no longer harms it. This implies that the organism has an intelligence in such a way that it tries to eliminate harmful substances and, on the other hand, to retain useful substances. We can trust the organism with this intelligence, otherwise the species living on earth would not have survived for millions of years. The information necessary for this is probably stored epigenetically and executed as reflexes. For example, if we eat a food that is spoiled or harmful, we experience diarrhea as a highly sensible reflex.

Healthy Diseases

What would be the healthiest disease according to these criteria? It is the common cold. The sinuses and other toxin reservoirs can detoxify themselves with the help of the draining mucus, and the organs of the head are freed from waste products. The rhinitis will be more frequent the sooner the lymphatic drainage of the head is slowed down and/or reduced. A mucus-producing cough serves the same purpose, but by its nature it is primarily of the respiratory tract and lungs. These so-called diseases should not be suppressed or interrupted, one should rather increase the flow of mucus. Other detoxification and deacidification methods of the head and especially the brain are: Dandruff, rashes, tears, earwax, increased saliva production, shedding of hair, double chins, etc. They should be reduced and also removed, but their production should not be suppressed. In general, it should be noted that lymphatic flow as a detoxification pathway is not given enough attention nowadays. The lymphatic fluid has no drive of its own, but is activated by the vibration of the muscles. As a substitute for insufficient muscular vibration (e.g. due to cramping of the chewing and neck muscles), active vibration should be used such as humming “OM”. Vibration plates can also be considered. Technical electrosmog also plays a role. The lymphatic fluid is a second-order electrical conductor, making the lymphatic system as a whole a large antenna for 5G. The greater the electrosmog, the lower the lymph flow. Detoxification of metabolic toxins and waste products is a task for all of us. Acute inflammations caused by pathogens also serve us for this purpose. They should only be treated with antibiotics if they have been present for a longer period of time.

Unhealthy Diseases

This contrasts with primary chronic inflammations that are not (or no longer) caused by pathogens. They are typical of unhealthy diseases. They are called silent inflammations [1,2]. These are causally associated with most diseases of civilization. The five cardinal symptoms of inflammation - pain, redness, swelling, heat and loss of function - do not occur in silent inflammation. The crucial parameter is the highly sensitive hs-CRP, which indicates the NLRP3 inflammasome. It is a protein complex that increases the production of cytokines (including IL1-beta, IL18, IL6) and CRP. A CRP between 0.5 and 10 mg/L is indicative of silent inflammation. CRP is not only a marker, but a highly active substance. It should be reduced with gentle therapy. Instead of corticosteroids, natural remedies such as frankincense, turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, berberine etc. may be considered.


These silent inflammations are a prototype for unhealthy diseases. Furman, et al. [3] held them responsible for half of all deaths worldwide! Silent inflammations do not detoxify the organism, but poison it. Thus, the basis of a therapy is detoxification and deacidification. Unfortunately, these principles are not generally accepted until today. Conventional medicine does not know the principles, but treats with pharmaceutical agents such as antibody preparations. This will remain unsuccessful in the long run. Of course, welknown unhealthy lifestyles are associated with unhealthy diseases, such as lack of exercise and being overweight. Acids especially in the connective tissue are hardly considered. However, the consistency in the mesenchyme is hardened by acids and it can difficult yet perform its supply and detoxification function. We should consider deacidification as a life task. This can be achieved by reducing animal proteins and using root vegetables as the basis of the diet.


However, appeals to people to optimize their lifestyles have been shown to be overwhelmingly ineffective. Therefore, all that remains is a rethinking in the field of medicine, to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy diseases. The healthy diseases should be promoted instead of suppressed.

For more Articles on: https://biomedres01.blogspot.com/

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