Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Juxtacortical Chondromyxoid Fibroma of Tibia by Mehrdad Bahrabadi in BJSTR


Introduction: Chondromyxoid fibroma, CMF, is the least common benign cartilaginous tumor composed of chondroid and myxoid matrix. It is usually located eccentrically in distal femur or proximal tibia metaphysis. Juxtacortical Chondromyxoid fibroma which may be seen in unusual places such as intracortical, or sub periosteallocations is very unusual.
Case report: A 16-year-old boy presented to us with a mildly painful distal tibial mass for one year. Imaging studies showed a protruded mixed radio-opaque, radio lucent lesion at posterior surface of distal tibial metaphysis, without soft tissue involvement. A biopsy was performed which showed Chondromyxoid fibroma. Curettage and bone grafting was done as the therapeutic modality.
Conclusion: Chondromyxoid fibroma is usually not considered in the differential diagnosis of a painful, superficial lesion on a long bone. Other tumors such as periosteal chondroma, parosteal or periosteal osteosarcoma, parostealmyxoma, sub periosteal ganglion cyst, or periosteal osteoid osteoma are usually considered. Our case along with similar cases has proved that Juxtacortical CMF should be included in the differential diagnosis of a surface bony lesion.

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