Monday, October 15, 2018

Assess the Practice Regarding #Safety Measures Used By Nurses While Administering #Chemotherapy Drugs by Darshana Kumari in BJSTR


Background: In a recent study of outpatient nurses, #participants reported significant unintended skin and eye exposure to chemotherapy Friese, et al. In this study, the author concludes that the overall rate of exposure decreases when nurses report adequate staffing and resources (2011). This implies that nurse-patient ratios and workplace demands contribute to the problem of mishandling #chemotherapy. Therefore, these results implicate the need for adequate staffing and resources as well as increased staff compliance to established practice standards in order to better protect #oncology nurses. Other contributing factors identified in system failures that result in an unsafe work environment include lack of awareness of personal and public risks of exposure, poor communication, and direct interruptions and/or distractions while preparing to administer #medications Ashley et al. [1].

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