Monday, October 15, 2018

#Biocompatibility of Injectable #Microspheres by Gottfried Lemperle in BJSTR


The increasing need for long lasting injectable #softtissue fillers for the treatment of wrinkles and skin defects, gastric reflux, urinary and fecal incontinence, and other indications requires a critical discussion of #biocompatibility based on science. Since biological fillers made of collagen will be absorbed over time, medium- and long-lasting #biomaterials have been developed in recent years. Particles of irregular shape and rough surface structure tend to initiate severe and early foreign body reactions with scattered giant cells (“#frustratedmacrophages”). On the other hand, biologically inert #microspheres with smooth surfaces are encapsulated by macrophages and fibrous tissue and will be kept in place. A review of the literature shows that most injected microspheres and particles of different chemical nature and a diameter of 20 to 65μm are #phagocytosed by macrophages. Particles smaller than 20μm are also phagocytosed but are transported by macrophages to regional lymph nodes, liver and/or lungs. Since 1 gram of medium size microspheres of 40μm has a surface area twice as large as 1 gram of microspheres of 125μm in diameter, the stimulus for associated tissue in growth is doubled. Therefore, approximately 75% of the filler volume of a medium size microsphere implant consists of the body’s own connective tissue, whereas only 40% of the filler volume #encapsulatinglargerbeads is made up of fibrous tissue.

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