Monday, November 12, 2018

#BioabsorbableBone Plates Enabled With Local, Sustained Delivery of Bmp2 for #Bone Regeneration by Young Wook Jo in BJSTR


We prepared a bone plate enabled with the local, sustained release of BMP2, which is a drug known to inhibit #Osteoclastic-mediated #boneresorption and also expedite the bone-remodeling activity of #osteoblasts. For this, we coated a bone plate already in clinical use (PLT-1031, Inion, Finland) with a blend of BMP2 and a #biocompatiblepolymer, 4-azidobenzoic acid-modified chitosan (i.e., Az-CH) photo-cross linked by #UVirradiation. As we performed the in vitro drug release study, the drug was released from the coating at an average rate of 4.03μg/day for 63 days in a sustained manner. To examine the effect on #boneregeneration, the plate was fixed on an 8mm cranial critical size defect in living rats and the newly formed bone volume was quantitatively evaluated by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) at scheduled times over 8 weeks. At week 8, the group implanted with the plate enabled with sustained delivery of BMP2 showed a significantly higher volume of newly formed bone (52.78 ± 6.84%) than the groups implanted with the plates without drug (23.6 ± 3.81%) (p b 0.05). The plate enabled with BMP2 delivery also exhibited good biocompatibility on H&E staining, which was comparable to the Inion plate already in clinical use. Therefore, we suggest that a bone plate enabled with local, sustained delivery of BMP2 can be a promising system with the combined functionality of bone fixation and its expedited repair.

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